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Laravel / PHP-从多个复选框创建布尔值数组

[英]Laravel/php - creating an array of boolean values from multiple checkboxes

I"m attempting to create an array of a user's selections from 4 checkboxes, where the values are boolean (1 or 0). Here's where I'm at so far: 我正在尝试从4个复选框创建用户选择的数组,其中的值为boolean(1或0)。这是我到目前为止的位置:

$selections = [
        'marketing' => $request->get('marketing'),
        'promotional' => $request->get('promotional'),
        'news' => $request->get('news'),
        'feedback' => $request->get('feedback')

    foreach ($selections as $selection) {
        if ($selection === null) {
            return $selection = 0);

Trying to foreach through and check if the checkbox was deselected(null) and set that to zero. 尝试遍历并检查复选框是否未选中(空)并将其设置为零。 I don't think I can do this in my form, but here's that code as well just in case: 我不认为可以在表单中执行此操作,但是为了以防万一,这里也提供了以下代码:

<div class="form-group col-sm-12">
        <label>Uncheck the categories you would like to not receive emails from.</label>
        <div class="checkbox">
            {{ Form::checkbox('marketing', '1', true) }}
        <div class="checkbox">
            {{ Form::checkbox('promotional', '1', true) }}
        <div class="checkbox">
            {{ Form::checkbox('news', '1', true) }}
        <div class="checkbox">
            {{ Form::checkbox('feedback', '1', true) }}

Answer migrated from comment 答案已从评论迁移

The problem here is the lack of a default value. 这里的问题是缺少默认值。
The $request->get() function call will return null if the value is not in the request which is the case for a unchecked checkbox. 如果$request->get()中没有该值,则$request->get()函数调用将返回null ,这是未选中复选框的情况。
One solution for this problem is the ?? 解决此问题的一种方法是?? operator in php. PHP中的运算符。

$request->get('marketing') ?? 0

This essentially says "Take the value of 'marketing', if it is not defined use the value 0 ". 本质上说:“如果没有定义,则使用'marketing'的值,请使用值0 “。

It's a practical way for update and create of check boxes and switch buttons which works perfectly on our website 这是一种更新和创建复选框和切换按钮的实用方法,在我们的网站上可以完美运行


        <!--on edit-->
        <input type="checkbox" name="active" {{$model->active ? 'checked value="1"' : 'value="0"'}}>
       <!--on create-->
       <input  type="checkbox" name="active" checked value="{{old('active', 1)}}">


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