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[英]Laravel redirect to [https] not [http]

Please help me out for below question. 请帮我解决以下问题。

I am using laravel version 5. 我正在使用laravel版本5。

1) In pagination, 1)在分页中

{!! $list->appends($form)->links() !!}

2) In redirect action, 2)在重定向操作中,

return redirect()->action('toute@method', [$testId]);

Both redirect to me [https] not [http]. 两者都重定向到我[https]而不是[http]。

Thank you ! 谢谢 !

I think this code is worth a try. 我认为这段代码值得一试。

In your AppServiceProvider.php you could add this: 在您的AppServiceProvider.php您可以添加以下内容:


Hope it helps. 希望能帮助到你。


$request->server->set('HTTPS', 'off');

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