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通过Microsoft Graph API在Azure AD中邀请用户无效

[英]Inviting a User in Azure AD through Microsoft Graph API doesn't work

Below is the code that I have put to invite a user in Azure AD. 以下是我在Azure AD中邀请用户使用的代码。

I get an "unauthorized" response. 我收到“未经授权”的回复。 I am not sure what permission/setting are missing. 我不确定缺少哪些权限/设置。 Do anyone have the idea. 有谁有主意。

string accessToken = await AuthenticationHelper.GetTokenForApplication ();
InvitationModel invite = new InvitationModel ();
invite.invitedUserEmailAddress = user.Email;
invite.inviteRedirectUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["InviteRedirectUrl"];
invite.sendInvitationMessage = true;
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient ()) {
    client.BaseAddress = new Uri ("https://graph.microsoft.com");

    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add (
        new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue ("application/json"));

    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization =
        new AuthenticationHeaderValue ("Bearer", accessToken);

    HttpResponseMessage response =
        client.PostAsJsonAsync<InvitationModel> ("v1.6/invitations", invite).Result;

    dynamic inviteResult =
        response.Content.ReadAsAsync<dynamic> ().Result;

    if (inviteResult.status != "Error") { }

You're problem is that you conflating Microsoft Graph and Azure AD Graph here. 您的问题在于,您在此处将Microsoft Graph和Azure AD Graph进行了合并。 These are two distinct APIs with different calling conversions and permission scopes. 这是两个不同的API,具有不同的调用转换和权限范围。

In order to create an Invitation you will need one of the following permission scopes ( Note that the first is the most restrictive permission (globally), the last the most permissive ): 为了创建邀请,您将需要以下许可权范围之一请注意,第一个是(全局性)限制性最强的许可权,最后一个是许可性最强的许可权 ):

  • User.Invite.All
  • User.ReadWrite.All
  • Directory.ReadWrite.All

Note that all of these scopes are admin-restricted and will require Admin Consent before you can use them 请注意,所有这些范围都是受管理员限制的,在使用它们之前需要获得管理员同意

Once you have a valid token, you'll need to make a POST call to https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/invitations with the following body: 获得有效令牌后,您需要使用以下主体对: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/invitations进行POST调用:

  "invitedUserEmailAddress": "yyy@test.com",
  "inviteRedirectUrl": "https://myapp.com"

Since you're using C#, I would strongly recommend using Microsoft Graph Client Library rather than hand-rolling your own HttpClient calls. 由于您使用的是C#,因此我强烈建议您使用Microsoft Graph Client Library,而不是手动滚动自己的HttpClient调用。


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