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在C#中获取Azure VM的指标

[英]Get metrics of an Azure vm in c#

I have the code below that retrieves CPU Percentage of an Azure vm. 我下面有检索Azure vm的CPU百分比的代码。 I want the metrics for Network In, Network Out, Disk Read Bytes, Disk Write Bytes, Disk Read Operations, Disk Write Operation. 我需要网络输入,网络输出,磁盘读取字节,磁盘写入字节,磁盘读取操作,磁盘写入操作的度量。 It doesn't seem to matter what I put for queryString, I always get cpu percentage. 我为queryString输入什么似乎无关紧要,我总是得到cpu百分比。 How can I get the other metrics? 我如何获得其他指标?

private void test()
    string vmName = "myVM";
    string resourceId = "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/ResourceGroupWest/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/" + vmName;
    var subscriptionId = "mySubscriptionID";
    var clientId = "myClientID";
    var secret = "myKey";
    var tenantId = "myTenantID";
    resourceId = resourceId.Replace("{subscriptionId}", subscriptionId);

    MonitorClient readOnlyClient = AuthenticateWithReadOnlyClient(tenantId, clientId, secret, subscriptionId).Result;

    string queryString = "name.value eq 'CpuPercentage'";
    ODataQuery<MetadataValue> odataQuery = new ODataQuery<MetadataValue>(queryString);
    var vals = readOnlyClient.Metrics.List(resourceId, odataQuery );
    foreach (MetricValue v in vals.Value[0].Timeseries[0].Data)
        if (v.Average != null)
            totalAverage += v.Average.Value;
    totalAverage = totalAverage / vals.Value[0].Timeseries[0].Data.Count;

private static async Task<MonitorClient> AuthenticateWithReadOnlyClient(string tenantId, string clientId, string secret, string subscriptionId)
    // Build the service credentials and Monitor client            
    var serviceCreds = await ApplicationTokenProvider.LoginSilentAsync(tenantId, clientId, secret);            
    var monitorClient = new MonitorClient(serviceCreds);           
    monitorClient.SubscriptionId = subscriptionId;            
    return monitorClient;        

It doesn't seem to matter what I put for queryString, I always get cpu percentage. 我为queryString输入什么似乎无关紧要,我总是得到cpu百分比。 How can I get the other metrics? 我如何获得其他指标?

You could get the other metrics name from Supported metrics with Azure Monitor . 您可以使用Azure Monitor从“ 支持的指标”中获取其他指标名称。 If you want to get multiple metrics you could use or to append the metrics. 如果要获取多个指标,则可以使用附加指标。 The CPU metrics is the default metrics of Azure VM CPU指标是Azure VM的默认指标

 var queryString = "(name.value eq 'Disk Write Operations/Sec' or  name.value eq 'Percentage CPU' or  name.value eq 'Network In' or  name.value eq 'Network Out' or  name.value eq 'Disk Read Operations/Sec' or  name.value eq 'Disk Read Bytes' or  name.value eq 'Disk Write Bytes')";

I also do a demo before, more detail please refer to another SO thread . 我之前也做了演示,更多细节请参考另一个SO线程

var azureTenantId = "tenant id";
var azureSecretKey = "secret key";
var azureAppId = "client id";
var subscriptionId = "subscription id";
var resourceGroup = "resource group";
var machineName = "machine name";
var serviceCreds = ApplicationTokenProvider.LoginSilentAsync(azureTenantId, azureAppId, azureSecretKey).Result;
MonitorClient monitorClient = new MonitorClient(serviceCreds) { SubscriptionId = subscriptionId };
 var resourceUrl = $"subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/{machineName}";
 var metricNames = "(name.value eq 'Disk Write Operations/Sec' or  name.value eq 'Percentage CPU' or  name.value eq 'Network In' or  name.value eq 'Network Out' or  name.value eq 'Disk Read Operations/Sec' or  name.value eq 'Disk Read Bytes' or  name.value eq 'Disk Write Bytes')"; 
 string timeGrain = " and timeGrain eq duration'PT5M'";
 string startDate = " and startTime eq 2017-10-26T05:28:34.919Z";
 string endDate = " and endTime eq 2017-10-26T05:33:34.919Z";
 var odataFilterMetrics = new ODataQuery<MetricInner>(

 var metrics = monitorClient.Metrics.ListWithHttpMessagesAsync(resourceUrl, odataFilterMetrics).Result;

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