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OneToMany UNI和JoinColumn是否可能?

[英]Is OneToMany UNI with JoinColumn possible?

I have the following OneToMany UNI mapping with JoinColumn: 我有以下与JoinColumn的OneToMany UNI映射:


But in JPA wikibooks I read this is wrong and in case of JoinColumn an inverse relationship is required. 但是在JPA Wikibooks中,我读到这是错误的,如果使用JoinColumn,则需要反向关系。 I can't understand why. 我不明白为什么。 My code works. 我的代码有效。 Where's the catch? 哪里有收获?

If the OneToMany uses a foreign key in the target object's table JPA requires that the
relationship be bi-directional (inverse ManyToOne relationship must be defined 
in the target object), and the source object must use the mappedBy 
attribute to define the mapping.

@JoinColumn on @OneToMany was introduce in JPA 2.0 before this was not possible. 在JPA 2.0中,@ OneToMany上的@JoinColumn是不可能的。

Performance tip: 性能提示:

According to the Hibernate commiter Vlad Mihalcea it's better to use a bi-directional realtionship: https://vladmihalcea.com/the-best-way-to-map-a-onetomany-association-with-jpa-and-hibernate/ 根据Hibernate的提交人Vlad Mihalcea的说法,最好使用双向代理: https ://vladmihalcea.com/the-best-way-to-map-a-onetomany-association-with-jpa-and-hibernate/

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