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[英]Conditionally customizing WooCommerce checkout fields

I am trying to modify WooCommerce check out fields. 我正在尝试修改WooCommerce检出字段。 There are two points I want to reach. 我想谈两点。

  1. Conditional fields 条件字段

    I want to make conditional fields for different shipping type in shipping section. 我想在运输部分为不同的运输类型设置条件字段。 To reach this point, Javascript is used. 为此,使用了Javascript。

  2. Administrator can edit the custom fields in the order on back-end 管理员可以按后端顺序编辑自定义字段

As a result, I write the code as below. 结果,我编写了如下代码。

However, I met a problem. 但是,我遇到了一个问题。 My javascript cannot work on the front-end. 我的JavaScript无法在前端运行。

Does anybody can help me? 有人可以帮助我吗?

    //修改check out shipping field
    add_action( 'woocommerce_before_checkout_shipping_form', 'add_shipping_type' );
    function add_shipping_type( $checkout ) {
        woocommerce_form_field( 'shipping_type', array(
            'type' => 'radio',
            'class' => array( 'form-row-wide' ),
            'label' => '收件方式',
            'options' => array(
                'shipping_1'    => '全家店到店',
                'shipping_2'    => '指定地址',
                'shipping_3' => '自行取貨',
     ),$checkout->get_value( 'shipping_type' ));

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_shipping_fields', 'custom_name_field_2' );
    function custom_name_field_2($fields) {
        $fields['shipping_first_name'] = array(
            'label'=>"取件者 *",
            'id' => 'shipping_first_name'
        $fields['shipping_last_name'] = array(
            'label'=>"手機號碼 *",
            'id' => 'shipping_last_name'
        $fields['shipping_company'] = array(
            'label'=>"店名 *",
            'id' => 'shipping_company'
        $fields['shipping_city'] = array(
            'label'=>"服務編號 *",
            'id' => 'shipping_city'
        $fields['shipping_address_1'] = array(
            'label'=>"收件地址 *",
            'id' => 'shipping_address_1'
        $fields['shipping_address_2'] = array(
            'label'=>"預計來訪時間 *",
            'id' => 'shipping_address_2'
        return $fields;

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_shipping_fields', 'remove_shipping_company' );
    function remove_shipping_company($fields){
        return $fields;

    add_filter("woocommerce_shipping_fields", "shipping_container");
    function shipping_container(){
        $output = '
        var $ = jQuery.noConflict();
            if($("#shipping_type_shipping_1").is(":checked")) {
            } else {
            if($("#shipping_type_shipping_2").is(":checked")) {
            } else {
            if($("#shipping_type_shipping_3").is(":checked")) {
            } else {
        echo $output;

First you can merge some functions when the same hook is involved… Then for your jQuery script is better to set it like in the following code (there is also many little mistakes in your jQuery script) : 首先,当涉及到同一个钩子时,您可以合并一些函数…然后,对于jQuery脚本而言,最好像以下代码中那样进行设置(jQuery脚本中还存在许多小错误)

// Customizing default checkout shipping fields
add_filter( 'woocommerce_shipping_fields', 'customizing_shipping_fields' );
function customizing_shipping_fields($fields){

    # 1. Remove shipping fields

    # 2. Customize shipping fields
    $label_fields = array(
        'first_name' => __('取件者 *'),  'last_name'  =>   __('手機號碼 *'),
        'company'    => __('店名 *'),    'city'        => __('服務編號 *'),
        'address_1'  => __('收件地址 *'), 'address_2' => __('預計來訪時間 *'),
    foreach( $label_fields as $key => $value ){
        $fields['shipping_'.$key]['label'] = $value;
        $fields['shipping_'.$key]['id'] = 'shipping_'.$key;

    # 3. Customize shipping fields required
    $required_fields = array( 'first_name', 'last_name', 'company', 'city', 
        'address_1', 'address_2', 'postcode');
    foreach( $required_fields as $key => $value )
        $fields['shipping_'.$key]['required'] = false;

    return $fields;

// Add a Custom radio field for shipping options
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_checkout_shipping_form', 'custom_shipping_radio_button', 10, 1 );
function custom_shipping_radio_button( $checkout ) {
    # 1. CSS styling
    <style>label.radio{ display:inline-block; margin-right:1em; }</style>

    # 2. Add a custom radio field
    woocommerce_form_field( 'shipping_type', array(
        'type' => 'radio',
        'class' => array( 'form-row-wide' ),
        'label' => __('收件方式'),
        'options' => array(
            'shipping_1' => __('全家店到店'),
            'shipping_2' => __('指定地址'),
            'shipping_3' => __('自行取貨'),
    ), $checkout->get_value( 'shipping_type' ) );

    # 3. jQuery Script
    <script type="text/javascript">
                if($("#shipping_type_shipping_1").is(":checked")) {
                } else {
                if($("#shipping_type_shipping_2").is(":checked")) {
                } else {
                if($("#shipping_type_shipping_3").is(":checked")) {
                } else {

Code goes in function.php file of your active child theme (or active theme). 代码进入您的活动子主题(或活动主题)的function.php文件中。

Tested and works. 经过测试和工作。

Now if you want to hide fields with labels, your jQuery script will be: 现在,如果您想隐藏带有标签的字段,您的jQuery脚本将是:

    <script type="text/javascript">
                if($("#shipping_type_shipping_1").is(":checked")) {
                } else {
                if($("#shipping_type_shipping_2").is(":checked")) {
                } else {
                if($("#shipping_type_shipping_3").is(":checked")) {
                } else {

Tested and works too… 经过测试也可以工作...

But you should need to set the fields to be not required as you will face some problems when submitting data… This will oblige you to make some other changes in order to get something functional. 但是,您应该将字段设置为不需要,因为在提交数据时会遇到一些问题……这将迫使您进行一些其他更改以使某些功能起作用。 But this will be a new question 但这将是一个新问题 ……

@LoicTheAztec Thanks you for your reply, you gave me a great help. @LoicTheAztec感谢您的答复,您对我有很大的帮助。 As you mentioned, required fields are the problem. 如您所述,必填字段是问题所在。 As a result, I tried to use the code as below to solve the problem. 结果,我试图使用下面的代码来解决问题。 Although it solved the problem about required fields, it cause the labels of the fields cannot be shown. 尽管它解决了有关必填字段的问题,但导致无法显示字段标签。

add_filter( 'woocommerce_shipping_fields', 'customizing_shipping_fields_required' );
function customizing_shipping_fields_required($fields) {
    $fields['shipping_first_name'] = array(
    $fields['shipping_last_name'] = array(
    $fields['shipping_company'] = array(
    $fields['shipping_city'] = array(
    $fields['shipping_address_1'] = array(
    $fields['shipping_address_2'] = array(
    $fields['shipping_postcode'] = array(
    return $fields;

You've missed quote around "shipping_type" on this line : 您错过了此行中“ shipping_type”周围的引号:


If this fix's not working : do you have error in the javascript console ? 如果此修复程序不起作用:您在javascript控制台中是否出错?

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