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[英]Powershell append string to text creates a new line

Im trying to create a ps script which appends the string ;history directly after ;stylesheets but currently the script is creating an additional line when i want it to append it directly after. 我试图创建一个ps脚本,它附加字符串;历史记录直接;样式表但当前脚本正在创建一个额外的行,当我希望它直接追加它。

This is how it is suppose to look 这就是它的设想


But this is what happens 但这就是发生的事情


Can someone explain why? 有人可以解释原因吗?

 (Get-Content K:\Temp\test.properties) | 
        Foreach-Object {
            if ($_ -match ";stylesheets") 
            {   ";history"
        } | Set-Content K:\Temp\test.properties

You are getting two lines because you are returning two objects when you match. 你得到两行,因为你匹配时返回两个对象。 @($_,";history") and each object is written as a line. @($_,";history")并将每个对象写成一行。 You could combine them into one string when you match. 匹配时,您可以将它们组合成一个字符串。

(Get-Content K:\Temp\test.properties) | 
    Foreach-Object {
        if ($_ -match ";stylesheets") {
        } else {
    } | Set-Content K:\Temp\test.properties

Alternative solution: 替代方案:

(Get-Content K:\Temp\test.properties).Replace(';stylesheets',';stylesheets;history') |
Set-Content K:\Temp\test.properties

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