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[英]slowcheetah not working for app.config

Im using slowcheetah to transform my web.config file for various environments and this all works as expected. 我使用slowcheetah转换我的web.config文件用于各种环境,这一切都按预期工作。 I want to do the same on app.config files but despite having slowcheetah available for these projects, when I right click on the app.config file, I have no options (add config transform) from what I've read, slowcheetah is supposed to work on web.config and app.config. 我想在app.config文件上做同样的事情但是尽管这些项目有慢速可用,当我右键单击app.config文件时,我没有选择(添加配置变换)从我读过的内容,慢速认为是在web.config和app.config上工作。 Has anyone else used it on app.config files ? 有没有其他人在app.config文件上使用过它? Is there something I'm missing 有什么我想念的东西

** update **更新

after several hours of headscratching I managed to figure out why this wasn't working, you have to install the vsix file from their website ! 经过几个小时的头脑风暴后,我设法弄清楚为什么这不起作用,你必须从他们的网站安装vsix文件! So I now have a transform option available for app.config, the only other issue is the fact that there is no preview option as there is for web.config files, no idea why that should be 所以我现在有一个可用于app.config的转换选项,唯一的另一个问题是没有预览选项,因为有web.config文件,不知道为什么应该是

要预览转换,您需要安装VS marketplace工具: Configuration Transform

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