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[英]Upload file to different domain on same Server

I'm confused about the path..!!! 我对这条路感到困惑.. !!!

I want to upload a files to a another domain hosted on same server. 我想将文件上传到同一服务器上托管的另一个域。

-> abc.com - application - assets - upload - system -> xyz.com - application - system

Im running an upload function in www.xyz.com and I want to save the file inside the folder in www.abc.com . 我在www.xyz.com运行上传功能,我想将文件保存在www.abc.com的文件夹内。

I use the following line as path: 我将以下行用作路径:
$path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/abc.com/assets/upload/'.$video_file_name;

The above path work fine in localhost server. 上面的路径在localhost服务器上工作正常。

But it return a path like this: 但它返回的路径是这样的:

I need the path as: 我需要的路径为:

CODE: 码:

function video()
         $extension = pathinfo($_FILES['videourl']['name'][0], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

         $video_file_name = 'vid_'.time().rand(0,10000000).'.'.$extension;

         $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/abc.com/assets/upload/'.$video_file_name;
         // $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/../abc.com/assets/upload/'.$video_file_name;
         // $path = 'home/www/abc.com/assets/upload/'.$video_file_name;
         echo $video_file_name;

You need to go "up" a directory, since the xyz.com shouldn't be there. 您需要进入“目录”,因为xyz.com不应存在​​。 So based on your current code, replace: 因此,根据您当前的代码,替换:

$path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/abc.com/assets/upload/'.$video_file_name;


$path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/../abc.com/assets/upload/'.$video_file_name;

Effectively adding the ../ after the document root variable. 有效地在文档根变量之后添加../ This should put the file in the right place. 这应该将文件放在正确的位置。

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