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[英]How to compress a single file in Gradle?

How to compress a single file inside a Copy task without having extra headache with creating and compressing temporary files manually? 如何在“ Copy任务中压缩单个文件,而又不必手动创建和压缩临时文件而感到头疼?

For example, when you build a deb package, you should compress some files with gzip : 例如,当构建一个deb软件包时,应使用gzip压缩一些文件:

task buildDeb(type: Deb, dependsOn: ['jar']) {

    // ...

    from (file('packaging/deb-package/manpage')) {

        into '/usr/share/man/man1'
        //rename(/.*/, deploymentName + '.1.gz')
        rename(/.*/, deploymentName + '.1')

        filteringCharset = 'UTF-8'
        filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens: [
            'TITLE': appTitle,
            // ...

        // XXX


    // ...


The built-in ant tools support only text filtering via the Reader interface. 内置的ant工具仅支持通过Reader界面进行文本过滤。 So, how to do something like compressing (or, in general, any binary manipulation)? 那么,如何做类似压缩的操作(或者,一般而言,任何二进制操作)?

You can try: 你可以试试:

ant.gzip(src: <source>, zipfile: <target>) 

in you task, catch the docs . 在您的任务中,赶上docs

Also, maybe instead of putting too much logic in a single task, define a set of tasks (one would be responsible for this gzipping) and tie them with dependencies. 另外,也许不要在单个任务中放置太多逻辑,而是定义一组任务(一个将负责此gzip压缩)并将它们与依赖项联系起来。

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