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[英]Javascript Sum of two values in one Input Text

I'm looking for a way to add another value into my input text. 我正在寻找一种在输入文本中添加另一个值的方法。 I have a read only input box, two radio buttons, and three checkboxes. 我有一个只读输入框,两个单选按钮和三个复选框。

<div class="radios">
  <input type="radio" value="non-exclusive" id="non-exclusive" name="packages"> Non-Exclusive
  <input type="radio" name="extratreats" data-target="#extratreat"> Extra-Treats

<div id="extratreat" class="extratreat tab-pane collapse">
  <label><h2>Extra Treats</h2></label>
   <br />
  <label><input id="treats" name="treats[]" value="Sweet Corner" type="checkbox" > Sweet Corner & Choco Fountain</label>
  <label><input id="treats" name="treats[]" value="Popcorn Maker" type="checkbox" > Popcorn Maker</label>
  <label><input id="treats" name="treats[]" value="Hotdog Roller" type="checkbox" > Hotdog Roller</label>

<div id="pricing">
   <br />
  <input type="text" name="price-total" value="" autocomplete="off" readonly>

I've added a javascript to my radio button where if I click on non-exlusive the value of pricing will change to 279 . 我在单选按钮中添加了一个javascript ,如果我单击非专有定价的值将更改为279 But I don't know how to add more value to if I add from treats . 但是我不知道如果我从零食中钱,怎么能增加更多的价值。 For example the price of Sweet Corner is 2,500 and they also clicked on Non-Exlusive which has 279 as it's default value, how do I add 2,500 to the already specified 279? 例如, Sweet Corner的价格是2500 ,他们还单击了默认值为279的非排他性 ,我如何将2500加到已经指定的279?

Here's the script I tried using: 这是我尝试使用的脚本

 $('[name=packages]').click(function()  {
    var val = $(this).val();
     if (val == "non-exclusive") {
       $('[name=price-total]').val('PHP 279');
     } else if (val == "package1") {
       $('[name=price-total]').val('PHP 300');
     } else if (val == "package2") {
        $('[name=price-total]').val('PHP 400');
 $('[id=treats').click(function()  {
      var val1 = $(this).val();
      var val = $('[name=price-total]').val();
 if (val1 == "Sweet Corner") {
       $('[name=price-total]').val(val.val+' 2500');
       } else if (val1 == "package1") {
       $('[name=price-total]').val('PHP 300');
       } else if (val1 == "package2") {
        $('[name=price-total]').val('PHP 400');

It gives me an "undefined value" if I click one of the checkboxes instead of adding it's value to the first value. 如果我单击其中一个复选框,而不是将其值添加到第一个值,它将给我一个“未定义的值”。

The problem was that you made a variable called val and then tried to access it with val.val + ' 2500' when it should have just been val + ' 2500' . 问题是您创建了一个名为val的变量,然后尝试使用val.val + ' 2500'访问该变量,而该变量本来应该是val + ' 2500' val.val implies that there is a val object with a val property. val.val表示存在具有val属性的val对象。 Since there isn't, you got undefined . 既然没有,您就undefined

You also have a syntax error with this: 您还存在语法错误:

$('[id=treats').click(function()  {

As it should be: 应为:

$('[id=treats]').click(function()  {

Also, I think that because of what your are testing, switch statements are more appropriate. 另外,我认为由于您正在测试,所以switch语句更合适。

Lastly, you have multiple items with the same id , which isn't valid. 最后,您有多个具有相同id项目,这是无效的。 After making them all unique, you should change your second click handler so that it accesses all the checkboxes by using the name attribute instead of id . 在使它们全部唯一之后,您应该更改第二个单击处理程序,以便它使用name属性而不是id来访问所有复选框。

 $(document).ready(function(){ $('[name=packages]').click(function() { switch($(this).val()){ case "non-exclusive": $('[name=price-total]').val('PHP 279'); break; case "package1": $('[name=price-total]').val('PHP 300'); break; case "package2": $('[name=price-total]').val('PHP 400'); break; } }); $('[name="treats[]"]').click(function() { // Strip out non-numeric portion: var val = $('[name="price-total"]').val().replace("PHP ", ""); switch($(this).val()){ case "Sweet Corner": // Check to see if checkbox is checked... if(this.checked){ // Must convert the value to a number and then you can do math $('[name=price-total]').val("PHP " + (+val + 2500)); // <-- The problem was here } else { $('[name=price-total]').val("PHP 279"); } break; case "package1": $('[name=price-total]').val('PHP 300'); break; case "package2": $('[name=price-total]').val('PHP 400'); break; } }); }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div class="radios"> <label> <input type="radio" value="non-exclusive" id="non-exclusive" name="packages"> Non-Exclusive </label> <label> <input type="radio" name="extratreats" data-target="#extratreat"> Extra-Treats </label> </div> <div id="extratreat" class="extratreat tab-pane collapse"> <label><h2>Extra Treats</h2></label> <br /> <label><input id="treats1" name="treats[]" value="Sweet Corner" type="checkbox" > Sweet Corner & Choco Fountain</label> <label><input id="treats2" name="treats[]" value="Popcorn Maker" type="checkbox" > Popcorn Maker</label> <label><input id="treats3" name="treats[]" value="Hotdog Roller" type="checkbox" > Hotdog Roller</label> </div> <div id="pricing"> <label><h2>Price</h2></label> <br /> <input type="text" name="price-total" value="" autocomplete="off" readonly> </div> 

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