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[英]Module not found when importing package

Even after googling, trying a million things etc, I just can't get package importing to work properly. 即使经过谷歌搜索,尝试一百万次操作等,我也无法使包导入正常工作。 I have a simple folder structure like this: 我有一个简单的文件夹结构,如下所示:

(main folder)
funktio (folder)---->| __init__.py |
main.py              | tulosta.py  |
country_data.py      ---------------

Basically I'm trying to import tulosta.py into main.py. 基本上我正在尝试将tulosta.py导入main.py。 Tulosta.py has a function that prints certain stuff from country_data.py. Tulosta.py具有从country_data.py打印某些内容的功能。 So far the program works when I paste the contents of tulosta.py into main.py and scrap the import of tulosta.py from main.py (so the script reads from country_data properly). 到目前为止,当我将tulosta.py的内容粘贴到main.py并取消了从main.py导入tulosta.py的导入时,程序可以正常工作了(因此脚本可以正确地从country_data中读取)。 I'm doing a school assignment and it requires importing a module and a package. 我正在做学校作业,它需要导入一个模块和一个程序包。 My problem is, if I try to 我的问题是,如果我尝试

import funktio.tulosta

I only get 我只会

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:\Kouluhommelit\Script-programming\moduuliharkka\main.py", line 4, in <module>
NameError: name 'tulosta' is not defined

and if I try to put "from tulosta import tulosta" into the init file, I get 如果我尝试将“从tulosta导入tulosta”放入init文件中,则会得到

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\Kouluhommelit\Script-programming\moduuliharkka\main.py", line 1, in <module>
import funktio.tulosta
File "E:\Kouluhommelit\Script-programming\moduuliharkka\funktio\__init__.py", line 1, in <module>
from tulosta import tulosta
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tulosta'

So basically whatever I try I get an error code. 因此,基本上我尝试尝试都会得到一个错误代码。 Here's the code from main.py: 这是来自main.py的代码:

import funktio.tulosta
import country_data


and tulosta.py: 和tulosta.py:

def tulosta():
    for code in country_data.countrycodes:
            print (country_data.codemap[code], ':\n\t','Head honcho:', country_data.countries[country_data.codemap[code]]['head honcho'],'\n\t','Population:', country_data.countries[country_data.codemap[code]]['population'],'million')

I'm really getting desperate after struggling with this for 4+ hours already. 经过4个多小时的努力,我真的感到绝望。 It seems like such a simple operation, but apparently it isn't. 这看起来像是一个简单的操作,但显然并非如此。 Please help. 请帮忙。 I'll provide more info if needed. 如果需要,我将提供更多信息。

Here's the assignment: 这是作业:

Rearrange the code from previous exercises:

Make a folder called "moduuliharkka"
Make a python file called "country_data" where you put the lists and dicts from the exercise 15.
Then make a new folder inside the moduuliharkka-folder called "funktio" (tip: init)
Put the code from exercise 16. inside a function and save it as a .py file in the funktio-folder
Go back to your moduuliharkka-folder, make a main.py file where you import the country_data module and the funktio folder as a package
Call the function imported in the main.py script

You need to make one extra call in your main file. 您需要在主文件中再打一个电话。 Currently, you have imported the file tulosta from funktio , however, you need to access the function/class/variable in that file. 当前,您已经从funktio导入了文件tulosta ,但是,您需要访问该文件中的function / class / variable。 tulosta.tulosta() is not including the folder name, which is still needed In main: tulosta.tulosta()不包含文件夹名称,在主目录中仍需要该名称:

import funktio.tulosta
functio.tulosta.tulosta() #call the function in "tulosta" here

If you do want to call tulosta() as tulosta.tulosta() , import with an alias: 如果确实要调用tulosta()作为tulosta.tulosta() ,请使用别名导入:

import funktio.tulosta as tulosta

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