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[英]How to pass a generic type into a new generic object?

I have two classes, Character and Npc which both inherit from a base class called 'Actor'. 我有两个类,Character和Npc,它们都继承自一个名为'Actor'的基类。 Consider the following two methods which are basically almost identical: 考虑以下两种基本相同的方法:

public static Dictionary<uint, Npc> drawnNpcs = new Dictionary<uint, Npc>();
public static Dictionary<uint, Character> drawnCharacters = new Dictionary<uint, Character>();

private GameObject DrawCharacter(ActorWrapper actorToDraw)
    GameObject obj;
    if (Data.drawnCharacters.ContainsKey(actorToDraw.Id))
        Character character;
        Data.drawnCharacters.TryGetValue(actorToDraw.Id, out character);
        obj = character.gameObject;
        obj = new GameObject("Actor");
        Character character = obj.AddComponent<Character>();
        character.Id = actorToDraw.Id;
        Data.drawnCharacters.Add(character.Id, character);
    return obj;

private GameObject DrawNpc(ActorWrapper actorToDraw)
    GameObject obj;
    if (Data.drawnNpcs.ContainsKey(actorToDraw.Id))
        Npc npc;
        Data.drawnNpcs.TryGetValue(actorToDraw.Id, out npc);
        obj = npc.gameObject;
        obj = new GameObject("Actor");
        Npc npc = obj.AddComponent<Npc>();
        npc.Id = actorToDraw.Id;
        Data.drawnNpcs.Add(npc.Id, npc);
    return obj;

I've tried to implement a generic method which takes in a generic Dictionary to try and merge these two methods together. 我试图实现一个泛型方法,它接受一个通用的Dictionary来尝试将这两个方法合并在一起。 (I'm not even really sure if this will work at all, it was just a naive first attempt) (我甚至不确定这是否会起作用,这只是一个天真的第一次尝试)

private GameObject GetDrawnActor<T>(Dictionary<uint, T> drawnActors, ActorWrapper actorToDraw) where T : Actor
    if (drawnActors.ContainsKey(actorToDraw.Id))
        T actor;
        drawnActors.TryGetValue(actorToDraw.Id, out actor);
        GameObject obj = actor.gameObject;
        return obj;
        GameObject obj = new GameObject("Actor");
        var actor = obj.AddComponent<typeof(T)>(); //how do i do this??
        actor.Id = actorToDraw.Id;
        drawnActors.Add(actor.Id, actor);
        return obj;

The commented line is where it fails. 注释行是失败的地方。

Edit: Really dumb solution to this! 编辑:真是愚蠢的解决方案! I modified the code to be all correct except for the offending line given by the answer 我修改了代码是正确的,除了答案给出的违规行

I think that the only thing you have to do is to replace this: 我认为你唯一需要做的就是替换它:

Character character = obj.AddComponent<typeof(T)>(); 

with this: 有了这个:

Character character = obj.AddComponent<T>(); 

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