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[英]strange behavior in shuffle React

in my React app, I call shuffle 2 times for 2 different card sets but shuffle always gives 2 card sets the exact same result, can someone help me fix it? 在我的React应用程序中,我为2个不同的卡集两次调用shuffle,但是shuffle总是给出2个卡集的结果完全相同,有人可以帮我解决这个问题吗?

class PairThemUp extends React.Component{

        const cards=this.props.selectedCards
        const cards1=shuffle(cards)
        const cards2=shuffle(cards)
        this.setState({cards1, cards2})

        const id1=cards1.map(c=>c.id)
        const id2=cards2.map(c=>c.id)
        console.log(id1, id2)


shuffle gives 2 card sets the same result until I run shuffleCards function again. shuffle会给2张卡片集相同的结果,直到我再次运行shuffleCards函数。 this is my shuffle function 这是我的随机播放功能

export const shuffle=(a)=> {
    for (let i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
        const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
        [a[i], a[j]] = [a[j], a[i]];
    return a;

cards , cards1 , and cards2 are all pointing to the same array in your example as JavaScript passes array by reference . cardscards1 ,和cards2都指向相同的阵列中的例子,如JavaScript 通过引用传递数组。

The result is that every time you call shuffle , you are modifying and returning the underlying array that was passed to the function, and therefore any variable that was pointing to a result from previously calling shuffle will reflect the most recently shuffled array. 结果是,每次调用shuffle ,您都在修改并返回传递给该函数的基础数组,因此,指向先前调用shuffle的结果的任何变量都将反映最新的shuffled数组。

The fix is to create a copy of your array in shuffle so that cards , cards1 , and cards2 all point to different arrays: 解决方法是在创建您的数组的副本shuffle ,使cardscards1cards2都指向不同的数组:

let shuffle = (a) => {

    let newArr = [].concat(a); // create new array

    for (let i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {

        const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));

        [newArr[i], newArr[j]] = [newArr[j], newArr[i]];

    return newArr;

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