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[英]Swift: Undeclared Variable with Multiple Type Options

I'm learning swift through Apple's App Development book. 我正在学习Apple的App Development书。 There is a project for designing a Favorite Athlete App to view, add and edit athletes. 有一个项目旨在设计一个最喜欢的运动员应用程序,以查看,添加和编辑运动员。

I'm wondering if there is a way to have a variable in a struct/class that is of a type that is dependent on the literal of another variable.... 我想知道是否有一种方法可以在结构/类中具有依赖于另一个变量的文字类型的类型。

Ok, so this is what I'm thinking. 好的,这就是我的想法。

enum League {
    case MLB, NFL, NBA
enum MLB {
    case Braves, Yankees, Red Sox
enum NFL {
    case Falcons, Giants, Patriots
enum NBA {
    case Hawks, Knicks, Celtics

struct Athlete {
    var name: String
    var age: Int
    var league: League
    var Team: switch league{
            case .MLB:
                return MLB enum
            case .NFL:
                return NFL enum
            case .NBA:
                return NBA enum

You can't have spaces in enum cases. 枚举情况下不能有空格。 Per convention, you should use lowerCamelCase. 按照约定,您应该使用lowerCamelCase。 Just from looking at your code, it looks like you're looking for something like this: 仅仅通过查看您的代码,就好像您在寻找这样的东西:

enum League {
    case mlb, nfl, nba

protocol LeagueTeam {
    static var league: League { get }

enum MLBTeams: LeagueTeam {
    case braves, yankees, redSox
    static let league = League.mlb
enum NFLTeams: LeagueTeam {
    case falcons, giants, patriots
    static let league = League.nfl
enum NBATeams: LeagueTeam {
    case hawks, knicks, celtics
    static let league = League.nba

struct Athlete {
    var name: String
    var age: Int
    var team: LeagueTeam
    var league: League { return type(of: team).league }

I like Alexander's solution, but this also lends itself nicely to enums with associated data: 我喜欢Alexander的解决方案,但这也很适合与关联数据进行枚举:

enum MLBTeam {
    case braves, yankees, redSox

enum NFLTeam {
    case falcons, giants, patriots

enum NBATeam {
    case hawks, knicks, celtics

enum Team {
    case mlb(MLBTeam)
    case nfl(NFLTeam)
    case nba(NBATeam)

struct Athlete {
    var name: String
    var age: Int
    var team: Team

let athlete = Athlete(name: "Julio Teherán", age: 26, team: .mlb(.braves))

With this, you can use the team property to switch both on specific teams and on leagues. 这样,您可以使用team属性来同时打开特定的团队和联赛。

switch athlete.team {
case .mlb: print("Baseball")
case .nfl: print("Football")
case .nba: print("Basketball")

switch athlete.team {
case .mlb(.braves): print("Braves")
default: print("Not Braves")

The one sad thing in Swift 4 is that it still can't auto-generate Equatable for enums with associated values, so you have to do that by hand if you want it. Swift 4中令人难过的一件事是,它仍然无法为带有关联值的枚举自动生成Equatable ,因此,如果需要,您必须手动执行。

extension Team: Equatable {
    static func ==(lhs: Team, rhs: Team) -> Bool {
        switch (lhs, rhs) {
        case let (.mlb(lhsTeam), .mlb(rhsTeam)): return lhsTeam == rhsTeam
        case let (.nfl(lhsTeam), .nfl(rhsTeam)): return lhsTeam == rhsTeam
        case let (.nba(lhsTeam), .nba(rhsTeam)): return lhsTeam == rhsTeam
        default: return false

It's difficult to get Alexander's solution to allow == on LeagueTeam . 要获得Alexander的解决方案在LeagueTeam上允许== LeagueTeam Making LeagueTeam conform to Equatable creates all kinds of problems, and you can't create an exhaustive switch over LeagueTeam because it can have arbitrary implementations. 使LeagueTeam符合Equatable会产生各种问题,并且您不能对LeagueTeam进行详尽的switch ,因为它可以具有任意实现。 So that's one nice thing about using an enum here. 因此,在此处使用枚举是一件好事。

On the other hand, using an enum pushes you into exhaustive switch statements, which may be a problem if the leagues or team list may change. 另一方面,使用枚举会使您进入详尽的切换语句,如果联盟或球队名单可能更改,则可能会出现问题。 (On the other hand, it may be a benefit…) (另一方面,这可能是一个好处……)

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