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[英]how to correctly highlight words using original javascript?

I am trying to highlight all words from search text using other people's code 我正在尝试使用其他人的代码突出显示搜索文本中的所有单词

The JavaScript code is here: JavaScript代码在这里:

var s = document.querySelector('input[type="search"]'),
    p = document.querySelector('p'),
    find = function(){
        var words = p.innerText.split(' '),
            i = words.length,
            word = '';

        while(--i) {
            word = words[i];
            if(word.toLowerCase() == s.value.toLowerCase()){
                words[i] = '<span class="highlight">' + word + "</span>";


        p.innerHTML = words.join(' ');

s.addEventListener('keydown', find , false);
s.addEventListener('keyup', find , false);

However, in this code if want to search some words end with '.', it won't give me correct content. 但是,在此代码中,如果要搜索一些以“。”结尾的单词,则不会为我提供正确的内容。 I figure out, it is caused by var words = p.innerText.split(' ') however if I used split(/\\b(\\w+)\\b/g) it will cause the extra space. 我发现,这是由var words = p.innerText.split(' ')引起的,但是如果我使用split(/\\b(\\w+)\\b/g) ,则会引起额外的空间。 How can I use right regular expression to accomplish this using original js? 如何使用原始js使用正确的正则表达式来完成此任务?

You won't be able to do it in one shot, what you would need to do is first split p.innerHTML using an empty space as you've already done above, but utilize another function to differentiate between the word and the punctuation. 您将无法一次性完成操作,您需要做的是首先像上面一样使用空白空间拆分p.innerHTML ,然后利用另一个功能来区分单词和标点符号。 I've written a function that you may find useful to solve your problem. 我编写了一个函数,您可能会发现它对解决您的问题很有用。 Run the code to see sample outputs. 运行代码以查看示例输出。

 // This function will return the HTML for highlighting the word if successful // Othewise, it will return undefined function highlightWord(originalWord, newWord) { let re = /[.,:;]+$/ if (originalWord === newWord) { return `<span class="highlight">${newWord}</span>` } else if (re.test(newWord)) { let contains = new RegExp(`^${originalWord}`); let nonContainingPart = new RegExp(`[^${originalWord}]+`) if (contains.test(newWord)) { let word = newWord.match(contains) let punctuation = newWord.match(nonContainingPart) // Sample output of 'word' and 'punctuation' //word = [ 'book', index: 0, input: 'book...' ] //punctuation = [ '...', index: 4, input: 'book...' ] return `<span class="highlight">${word}</span>${punctuation}` } } } console.log(highlightWord('book', 'book')) console.log(highlightWord('book', 'book.')) console.log(highlightWord('book', 'book...')) console.log(highlightWord('book', 'book:')) console.log(highlightWord('book', 'book;')) console.log(highlightWord('booker', 'book;')) console.log(highlightWord('books', 'book;')) console.log(highlightWord('book', 'booka')) console.log(highlightWord('book', 'book-')) console.log(highlightWord('book', 'book_')) console.log(highlightWord('book', 'book~')) 

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