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[英]How to use parameterized test cases?

I'm trying to use parameterized tests with a class that takes a POD as parameter. 我正在尝试对带POD作为参数的类使用参数化测试。 I've sort of reached this stage: 我已经达到了这个阶段:

struct TestParameters : public ::testing::TestWithParam<parameters> {
  parameters params;

  virtual void SetUp() {
    params.username = "username";
    params.host = "";

TEST_P(TestParameters, connect) {
  std::error_code ec;
  std::unique_ptr<connection> connection = make_connection(GetParam(), ec);
  ec = connection->connect();

INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(postgresql_tcp, connection, ::testing::Values());

My question is, how to pass the values I need in parameters via INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P and how to I pass a valid instance of parameters to make_connection() ? 我的问题是,如何通过INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P传递parameters需要的值,以及如何将有效的parameters实例传递给make_connection()

It looks like you should be doing something along the lines of 看来您应该按照以下方式进行操作

INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(postgresql_tcp, connect,
                        ::testing::Values(parameters{"username", ""}
                                      //, parameters{ other params here }

Or you could declare a std::vector<parameters> as a global somewhere that you dynamically could compute, and then pass iterators of that vector to ::testing::Values() 或者,您可以将std::vector<parameters>为可以动态计算的全局变量,然后将该向量的迭代器传递给::testing::Values()

Also, note you wouldn't need the member params in your fixture class, since the parameter is going to be fed automatically by Google Test through GetParam() 另外,请注意,您不需要夹具类中的成员params ,因为Google Test将通过GetParam()自动提供参数

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