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Android Room一对一实体关系

[英]Android Room one-to-one Entities Relation

In Room if you want a relation between two entities you can achieve it with a third POJO that defines their relation as: 在房间中如果你想要两个实体之间的关系,你可以用第三个POJO来实现它,它定义了它们的关系:

class Foo {
  //fields here including _id,...

@Entity // forigne keys restriction here ...
class Baz {
   long foo_id

//The linking POJO
class BazWithFoo extends Baz { //may replaced with @Embeded Baz field 

   @Relation(entity = Foo.class,entityColumn = "_id",parentColumn = "foo_id")
   List<Foo> foo; // <-- want this to be Foo not List<Foo>

Is there a nice approach to make the POJO expose a single field instead of a List ? 有没有一个很好的方法让POJO暴露单个字段而不是List Are there any workarounds? 有没有解决方法?

You should see this . 你应该看到这个 It's possible to manage two @Embedded in your POJO 可以在POJO中管理两个@Embedded

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