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外部访问说明符之外的C ++类成员

[英]c++ class members outside access specifiers

I am not really firm with C++ yet and learning by reading example code. 我对C ++还不是很坚定,而是通过阅读示例代码来学习。 I now found a class declaration, that has member variables outside the access specifiers public and private. 现在,我发现了一个类声明,该类声明的成员变量在访问说明符public和private之外。

class Card {
    friend class FortyApp;

    static double m_scale;
    static int m_width,m_height;

    Card(int value, WayUp way_up = facedown);
    virtual ~Card(){};

    void Draw(wxDC& pDC, int x, int y);
    static void DrawNullCard(wxDC& pDC, int x, int y); // Draw card place-holder
    void Erase(wxDC& pDC, int x, int y);

    void TurnCard(WayUp way_up = faceup) { m_wayUp = way_up; }
    WayUp GetWayUp() const { return m_wayUp; }
    int GetPipValue() const { return m_pipValue; }
    Suit GetSuit() const { return m_suit; }
    SuitColour GetColour() const { return m_colour; }
    static void SetScale(double scale);
    static int GetHeight() { return m_height; };
    static int GetWidth() { return m_width; };
    static double GetScale() { return m_scale; };

    Suit m_suit;
    int m_pipValue; // in the range 1 (Ace) to 13 (King)
    SuitColour m_colour; // red or black
    bool m_status;
    WayUp m_wayUp;

    static wxBitmap* m_symbolBmap;
    static wxBitmap* m_pictureBmap;

I don't understand if this has a higher reason. 我不知道这是否有更高的理由。 The variables m_scale, m_width and m_height are now private, as it is standard, or? 变量m_scale,m_width和m_height现在是私有的,因为它是标准变量,还是?

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

do you know the default access specifier is ? 您知道默认的访问说明符是吗?

it is private . 它是私人的

if you don't provide any access specifier it will be automatically set to private . 如果您不提供任何访问说明符,它将自动设置为private。

if you want to M_scale to be public declare it inside public: 如果要使M_scale公开,请在public:内部声明public:

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