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[英]IllegalAccessError on @Around - Aspectj

When calling this AspectJ @Around function: 调用此AspectJ @Around函数时:

@Around("controllers() && methodsPointcut()")
    public Object returnControlerLog(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
        Object value = joinPoint.proceed();
        this.log(LogTypes.CONTROLLER, value, joinPoint.getTarget().getClass(), "CONTROLLER RETURN",
        return value;

I got 我有

java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access class my.aspect.package.LogAspect$LogTypes from class my.controller.package.MyController

While inside this Spring function controller's pointed by the pointcut: 在切入点指向的此Spring函数控制器的内部:

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.PUT, value = "/doSth")
public @ResponseBody JSONObject doSth(@RequestParam String sth) {
 return new JSONObject().put("key", sth);

I just adapted this example to my needs. 我只是根据我的需要调整了这个例子

I have other pointcut as @Before or @AfterThrowing that works well. 我还有其他切入点,如@Before@AfterThrowing效果很好。

You are not showing the most important part of your code. 您没有显示代码中最重要的部分。 I see not package names, no class declaration, no aspect declaration, just snippets. 我看不到包名,没有类声明,没有方面声明,只是片段。 Next time please provide an MCVE so as to keep people from doing what I am about to do now: guessing instead of reproducing and providing solid answers. 下次,请提供MCVE ,以使人们不再做我现在要做的事情:猜测而不是复制并提供可靠的答案。

So my educated guess is that you have not declared your aspect public. 因此,我有根据的猜测是您尚未宣布您的方面公开。 Please do and be happy. 请尽力而为。

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