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Google Embed API显示地址列表

[英]Google Embed API display a list of addreses

I want to use the Google Embed API. 我想使用Google Embed API。 I have a list of addresses I want to display using the Google Embed API. 我有一个要使用Google Embed API显示的地址列表。

Is this possible? 这可能吗? Is there a way for me to pass the entire list to the Google Embed APi so they are all displayed on the map? 我是否可以将整个列表传递给Google Embed APi,以便它们都显示在地图上?

No with the Google Embed API. 否,使用Google Embed API。 You can only place one marker on the map. 您只能在地图上放置一个标记。 If you want to place multiple markers for your adresses then you will have to do so using the Maps Java script API . 如果要为地址放置多个标记,则必须使用Maps Java脚本API进行

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