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Chrome Netbeans插件仅显示空白页

[英]Chrome Netbeans Plugin only shows blank page

I'm learning AngularJS at the moment and thought I would install netbeans as it supports debugging in chrome via a plugin. 我目前正在学习AngularJS,并认为我将安装netbeans,因为它支持通过插件在chrome中进行调试。 Or claims to at least... 或声称至少...

I have followed the user guides and tutorials that I've found and always seem to falter at the same point: 我遵循了我发现的用户指南和教程,并且似乎总是在同一时间步履蹒跚:

  1. Install Netbeans 安装Netbeans
  2. Install chrome plugin 安装chrome插件
  3. Create a simple sample project 创建一个简单的示例项目
  4. Set the default web browser to Chrome with Plugin 将默认网络浏览器设置为带有插件的Chrome
  5. Click run 点击运行

At this point I always see a blank page loaded in Chrome. 此时,我总是看到Chrome中加载了一个空白页。 I suspect that this is a bug as all of the resources online seem sure that I should be able to see the default index.hmtl page in my browser... 我怀疑这是一个错误,因为所有在线资源似乎都可以确保我可以在浏览器中看到默认的index.hmtl页...

I'm running on a MAC: 我在MAC上运行:


And my plugin version is: 我的插件版本是:


My Netbeans version: 我的Netbeans版本:


My Default Browser in Netbeans: 我在Netbeans中的默认浏览器:


Does anyone know of any issues with running this configuration? 有人知道运行此配置有任何问题吗? No matter what I do I just see a blank page with a mangled URL like so when I hit run: 无论我做什么,当我点击run时,我只会看到一个URL乱码的空白页面:


When I open this file in VI I see one line in it: 在VI中打开此文件时,在其中看到一行:

<html :netbeans_temporary="true"></html>

This seemed to work as a workaround for me: 这似乎对我来说是一种解决方法:

  1. Open the project configuration and change the browser from Chrome with netbeans connector to Chrome 打开项目配置,然后将浏览器从带有netbeans连接器的Chrome更改为Chrome
  2. Run the project (the correct page should come up in Chrome) 运行项目(Chrome中应显示正确的页面)
  3. Click on the Netbeans Connector in the upper right corner of the Chrome window 单击Chrome窗口右上角的Netbeans连接器
  4. Select "Debug in Netbeans" (You should get the yellow information notice across the top of the window) 选择“在Netbeans中调试”(您应该在窗口顶部看到黄色的信息提示)
  5. Go back to Netbeans and click on the 'debug main project' button. 返回到Netbeans,然后单击“调试主项目”按钮。

My configuration is os/x High Sierra, Netbeans 8.2 我的配置是os / x High Sierra,Netbeans 8.2

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