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如何在 angular2 中使用 FileSaver 库在 excel 中打破单元格

[英]how to break cell in excel using FileSaver library in angular2

 this.exportAsExcelFile(this.result, 'Report');
 // this.result: it is json object
 // 'Report': file name

I have |我有 | (pipe) seperated string. (管道)分隔的字符串。 It prints in one line see image for more info它打印在一行中,请参阅图像了解更多信息

Finally i got answer.最后我得到了答案。 string should be like this:字符串应该是这样的:

str = "line1 \r\n line2 \r\n line3"; 

this string is in column E and row 2 thats why i have wrote it like这个字符串在 E 列和第 2 行,这就是我写它的原因


see below function:见下面的功能:

public exportAsExcelFile(json: any[], excelFileName: string): void {
 const worksheet: XLSX.WorkSheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(json);
 this.wrapAndCenterCell(worksheet['E2']); //
 const workbook: XLSX.WorkBook ={Sheets:{'data':worksheet},SheetNames:
 ['data'] };
 const excelBuffer: any = XLSXStyle.write(workbook, { bookType: 'xlsx', 
 'buffer' });
 this.saveAsExcelFile(excelBuffer, excelFileName); 

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