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[英]Bash script to mkdir on each line of a file that has been split by a delimiter?

Trying to figure out how to iterate through a .txt file (filemappings.txt) line by line, then split each line using tab ( \\t ) as a delimiter so that we can create the directory specified on the right of the tab ( mkdir -p ). 试图弄清楚如何逐行遍历.txt文件(filemappings.txt),然后使用tab\\t )作为分隔符拆分每一行,以便我们可以创建选项卡右侧指定的目录( mkdir -p )。

Reading filemappings.txt and then splitting each line by tab 读取filemappings.txt,然后按tab拆分每一行

server/ /client/app/
server/a/   /client/app/a/
server/b/   /client/app/b/

Would turn into 会变成

mkdir -p /client/app/
mkdir -p /client/app/a/
mkdir -p /client/app/b/

Would xargs be a good option? xargs会是一个不错的选择吗? Why or why not? 为什么或者为什么不?

cut -f 2 filemappings.txt | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 mkdir -p 

xargs -0非常适合矢量操作。

You already have an answer telling you how to use xargs . 您已经有一个答案告诉您如何使用xargs In my experience xargs is useful when you want to run a simple command on a list of arguments that are easy to retrieve. 根据我的经验,当您想要在易于检索的参数列表上运行简单命令时, xargs非常有用。 In your example, xargs will do nicelly. 在你的例子中, xargs会做得很好。 However, if you want to do something more complicated than run a simple command, you may want to use a while loop: 但是,如果要执行比运行简单命令更复杂的操作,可能需要使用while循环:

while IFS=$'\t' read -r a b
  mkdir -p "$b"
done <filemappings.txt

In this special case, read ab will read two arguments separated by the defined IFS and put each in a different variable. 在这种特殊情况下, read ab将读取由定义的IFS分隔的两个参数,并将每个参数放在不同的变量中。 If you are a one-liner lover, you may also do: 如果你是单行情人,你也可以这样做:

while IFS=$'\t' read -r a b; do mkdir -p "$b"; done <filemappings.txt

In this way you may read multiple arguments to apply to any series of commands; 通过这种方式,您可以读取多个参数以应用于任何系列的命令; something that xargs is not well suited to do. xargs不太适合做的事情。

Using read -r will read a line literally regardless of any backslashes in it, in case you need to read a line with backslashes. 使用read -r将逐字读取一行,而不管其中是否有任何反斜杠,以防您需要读取带反斜杠的行。

Also note that some operating systems may allow tabs as part of a file or directory name. 另请注意,某些操作系统可能允许选项卡作为文件或目录名称的一部分。 That would break the use of the tab as the separator of arguments. 这将打破使用选项卡作为参数的分隔符。

sed -n '/\t/{s:^.*\t\t*:mkdir -p ":;s:$:":;p}' filemappings.txt | bash

  1. sed -n : only work with lines that contains tab (delimiter) sed -n :仅适用于包含tab符(分隔符)的行
  2. s:^.*\\t\\t*:mkdir -p : : change all things from line beggning to tab to mkdir -p s:^.*\\t\\t*:mkdir -p : ::将所有内容从行beggning更改为tabmkdir -p
  3. | bash | bash : tell bash to create folders | bash :告诉bash创建文件夹

As others have pointed out, \\t character could also be a part of the file or directory name, and the following command may fail. 正如其他人指出的那样, \\t字符也可以是文件或目录名的一部分,以下命令可能会失败。 Assuming the question represents the true form of the input file, one can use: 假设问题代表输入文件的真实形式,可以使用:

  $ grep -o -P '(?<=\t).*' filemappings.txt | xargs -d'\n' mkdir -p

It uses -P perl-style regex to get words after the \\t (TAB) character, then use -d'\\n' which provides all relevant lines as a single input to mkdir -p . 它使用-P perl-style regex来获取\\t (TAB)字符后的单词,然后使用-d'\\n' ,它将所有相关行作为mkdir -p的单个输入。

使用GNU Parallel,它看起来像这样:

parallel --colsep '\t' mkdir -p {2} < filemapping.txt

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