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[英]Ionic: ion-item with fixed label and paragraph

Is possible create three ion-item like these using Ionic Framework? 是否可以使用Ionic Framework创建像这样的三个ion-item


No problem with the first one (standard disabled ion-input with fixed label ). 第一个没有问题(带有fixed label标准disabled ion-input )。 I have some issue with the second one wich contains a fixed label , a <p> tag in the middle and a right button . 我对第二个问题有个疑问,第二个问题包含一个fixed label ,中间的<p> tag和一个right button The last one, also, a fixed label and a button with a paragraph in the middle content. 最后一个,也是一个fixed label和一个带有中间paragraphbutton

Can anyone help me? 谁能帮我? Thank you 谢谢

I am not sure about what you want, but I think it is similar to what you want. 我不确定您想要什么,但我认为它与您想要的东西相似。

<ion-content padding>
  <ion-list-header disabled="true" ><ion-label color="primary">Disabled</ion-label><ion-label >Item Disabled</ion-label></ion-list-header>
    <ion-icon ios="ios-close" md="md-close" color="primary" item-end></ion-icon>
    <ion-label color="primary">Label</ion-label>
    <ion-label> Value</ion-label>

    <ion-label color="primary">Label</ion-label>
    <ion-label><button ion-button round outline><ion-icon name="star"  color="primary"> </ion-icon></button>(Student)</ion-label>

    <ion-icon ios="ios-close" md="md-close"></ion-icon>

thanks 谢谢

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