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[英]Same DOM elements on different HTML pages

i think my question is a little bit stupid, but I have a problem. 我认为我的问题有点愚蠢,但我有一个问题。 There`sa few html pages, for ex.: index.html and rooms.html etc... And a main.js file with scripts for all .html pages. 有一些html页面,例如:index.html和rooms.html等。还有一个main.js文件,其中包含所有.html页面的脚本。 The problem is that i have a variables, like 问题是我有一个变量,例如

const HTMLelement = document.querySelector('.className');

and some functions to work with this HTMLelement. 以及一些与此HTMLelement一起使用的功能。 But, this element is only on index.html page, and when im on rooms.html page, i have an error, cause HTMLelement is not defined and other script does not exists (its important, cause some html build by script.) Also, in main.js I have scripts for all pages, so I cant create new .js file... So, what is the best way to separate scripts for different html pages? 但是,此元素仅在index.html页面上,并且当im在rooms.html页面上时,出现错误,导致未定义HTMLelement且其他脚本不存在(重要的是,导致一些按脚本构建html。) ,在main.js中,我为所有页面提供了脚本,因此无法创建新的.js文件...那么,为不同的html页面separate脚本的最佳方法是什么?

Here you have several ways to solve the issue 在这里,您有几种解决问题的方法

Create specific separate script for each page 为每个页面创建特定的单独脚本

  • rooms.html -> rooms.js rooms.html-> rooms.js
  • index.html -> index.js index.html-> index.js

Checking the existence of nodes before you do something 在做某事之前检查节点的存在

if(document.querySelectorAll('.className').length == 0){
     // do things

Checking the current page before you do something 在执行操作之前检查当前页面

if(window.location.pathname.indexOf('rooms.html') != -1){
     // do things

Hope it helps 希望能帮助到你

Always validate that an element exists before you try to use it. 在尝试使用某个元素之前,请始终对其进行验证。

 const oneEl = document.querySelector('.one'); if (oneEl) { oneEl.setAttribute('title', 'This is one'); } // Below I am trying to get an element by the wrong class name. const twoEl = document.querySelector('.two'); if (twoEl) { // This code will not run twoEl.setAttribute('title', 'This is two'); } 
 <div class="one">One</div> <div class="too">Two</div> 

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