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如何为Shopify应用程序增加安全性? (webhooks和前端)

[英]How can I add security to my Shopify App? (webhooks & front-end)

I'm developing a Shopify App with rails and I would like to avoid future problems with the security of it . 我正在开发带导轨的Shopify应用程序, 我想避免它在安全性方面的未来问题 I don't know what I should do with it so I hope you could guide me with that... 我不知道该怎么办,所以希望您能以此为指导...

The Webhooks Controller: Webhooks控制器:

module ShopifyApp
class WebhooksController < ActionController::Base
   include ShopifyApp::WebhookVerification

  class ShopifyApp::MissingWebhookJobError < StandardError; end

  def receive
    job_args = {shop_domain: shop_domain, webhook: webhook_params.to_h}
    head :no_content


  def webhook_params
    params.except(:controller, :action, :type)

  def webhook_job_klass
    "#{webhook_type.classify}Job".safe_constantize or raise ShopifyApp::MissingWebhookJobError

  def webhook_type

I've read about checking the HMAC of the Webhook, but I don't know if I have to implement it by myself, or if the above code is doing that actually. 我已经阅读过有关检查Webhook的HMAC的信息,但是我不知道我是否必须自己实现它,或者上述代码是否确实在执行该操作。

About front-end ... Should I do some security comprobation on the Views or Controllers? 关于前端 ...我应该对视图或控制器进行一些安全防护吗?

Thank you for your attention and your knowledge. 感谢您的关注和知识。

I've read about it and it's not neccesary to write the security of Webhooks. 我已经读过有关它,并且不必编写Webhooks的安全性。

The line include ShopifyApp::WebhookVerification does all the process. 该行包括ShopifyApp :: WebhookVerification完成所有过程。 WebhookVerification it's included in the gem 'shopify_api', so we just have to include the gem and copy the code above to manage the webhooks. WebhookVerification包含在gem'shopify_api'中,因此我们只需要包含gem并复制上面的代码即可管理webhooks。

If we want to test webhooks through the Shopify admin: Settings>Notifications>Webhooks then we should implement this code. 如果我们想通过Shopify管理员测试Webhook: Settings> Notifications> Webhook, 那么我们应该实现此代码。

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