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什么函数是从 C 中的字符串中替换子字符串?

[英]What function is to replace a substring from a string in C?

Given a ( char * ) string, I want to find all occurrences of a substring and replace them with an alternate string.给定一个 ( char * ) 字符串,我想查找所有出现的子字符串并将它们替换为备用字符串。 I do not see any simple function that achieves this in <string.h> .我在<string.h>中看不到任何实现此目的的简单函数。

The optimizer should eliminate most of the local variables.优化器应该消除大部分局部变量。 The tmp pointer is there to make sure strcpy doesn't have to walk the string to find the null. tmp 指针用于确保 strcpy 不必遍历字符串来查找空值。 tmp points to the end of result after each call. tmp 指向每次调用后结果的结尾。 (See Shlemiel the painter's algorithm for why strcpy can be annoying.) (请参阅画家的 Shlemiel 算法,了解 strcpy 为何令人讨厌。)

// You must free the result if result is non-NULL.
char *str_replace(char *orig, char *rep, char *with) {
    char *result; // the return string
    char *ins;    // the next insert point
    char *tmp;    // varies
    int len_rep;  // length of rep (the string to remove)
    int len_with; // length of with (the string to replace rep with)
    int len_front; // distance between rep and end of last rep
    int count;    // number of replacements

    // sanity checks and initialization
    if (!orig || !rep)
        return NULL;
    len_rep = strlen(rep);
    if (len_rep == 0)
        return NULL; // empty rep causes infinite loop during count
    if (!with)
        with = "";
    len_with = strlen(with);

    // count the number of replacements needed
    ins = orig;
    for (count = 0; tmp = strstr(ins, rep); ++count) {
        ins = tmp + len_rep;

    tmp = result = malloc(strlen(orig) + (len_with - len_rep) * count + 1);

    if (!result)
        return NULL;

    // first time through the loop, all the variable are set correctly
    // from here on,
    //    tmp points to the end of the result string
    //    ins points to the next occurrence of rep in orig
    //    orig points to the remainder of orig after "end of rep"
    while (count--) {
        ins = strstr(orig, rep);
        len_front = ins - orig;
        tmp = strncpy(tmp, orig, len_front) + len_front;
        tmp = strcpy(tmp, with) + len_with;
        orig += len_front + len_rep; // move to next "end of rep"
    strcpy(tmp, orig);
    return result;

This is not provided in the standard C library because, given only a char* you can't increase the memory allocated to the string if the replacement string is longer than the string being replaced.这在标准 C 库中没有提供,因为如果仅给定一个 char*,如果替换字符串比被替换的字符串长,则无法增加分配给字符串的内存。

You can do this using std::string more easily, but even there, no single function will do it for you.您可以更轻松地使用 std::string 执行此操作,但即使在那里,也没有单个函数可以为您执行此操作。

There isn't one.没有一个。

You'd need to roll your own using something like strstr and strcat or strcpy.您需要使用strstr和 strcat 或 strcpy 之类的东西来滚动自己。

You could build your own replace function using strstr to find the substrings and strncpy to copy in parts to a new buffer.您可以使用 strstr 构建自己的替换函数来查找子字符串和 strncpy 以将部分复制到新缓冲区。

Unless what you want to replace_with is the same length as what you you want to replace , then it's probably best to use a new buffer to copy the new string to.除非您要replace_with的长度与您要replace的长度相同,否则最好使用新缓冲区将新字符串复制到。

As strings in C can not dynamically grow inplace substitution will generally not work.由于 C 中的字符串不能动态增长,就地替换通常不起作用。 Therefore you need to allocate space for a new string that has enough room for your substitution and then copy the parts from the original plus the substitution into the new string.因此,您需要为一个有足够空间进行替换的新字符串分配空间,然后将原始部分加上替换部分复制到新字符串中。 To copy the parts you would use strncpy .要复制您将使用的部分strncpy

Here's some sample code that does it.这是一些执行此操作的示例代码。

#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

char * replace(
    char const * const original, 
    char const * const pattern, 
    char const * const replacement
) {
  size_t const replen = strlen(replacement);
  size_t const patlen = strlen(pattern);
  size_t const orilen = strlen(original);

  size_t patcnt = 0;
  const char * oriptr;
  const char * patloc;

  // find how many times the pattern occurs in the original string
  for (oriptr = original; patloc = strstr(oriptr, pattern); oriptr = patloc + patlen)

    // allocate memory for the new string
    size_t const retlen = orilen + patcnt * (replen - patlen);
    char * const returned = (char *) malloc( sizeof(char) * (retlen + 1) );

    if (returned != NULL)
      // copy the original string, 
      // replacing all the instances of the pattern
      char * retptr = returned;
      for (oriptr = original; patloc = strstr(oriptr, pattern); oriptr = patloc + patlen)
        size_t const skplen = patloc - oriptr;
        // copy the section until the occurence of the pattern
        strncpy(retptr, oriptr, skplen);
        retptr += skplen;
        // copy the replacement 
        strncpy(retptr, replacement, replen);
        retptr += replen;
      // copy the rest of the string.
      strcpy(retptr, oriptr);
    return returned;

#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
  if (argc != 4)
    fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s <original text> <pattern> <replacement>\n", argv[0]);
    char * const newstr = replace(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]);
    if (newstr)
      printf("%s\n", newstr);
      fprintf(stderr,"allocation error\n");
  return 0;
// Here is the code for unicode strings!

int mystrstr(wchar_t *txt1,wchar_t *txt2)
    wchar_t *posstr=wcsstr(txt1,txt2);
        return (posstr-txt1);
        return -1;

// assume: supplied buff is enough to hold generated text
void StringReplace(wchar_t *buff,wchar_t *txt1,wchar_t *txt2)
    wchar_t *tmp;
    wchar_t *nextStr;
    int pos;










The repl_str() function on creativeandcritical.net is fast and reliable. creativeandcritical.net 上的repl_str()函数快速可靠。 Also included on that page is a wide string variant, repl_wcs() , which can be used with Unicode strings including those encoded in UTF-8, through helper functions - demo code is linked from the page.该页面还包括一​​个宽字符串变体repl_wcs() ,它可以通过辅助函数与 Unicode 字符串一起使用,包括那些以 UTF-8 编码的字符串 - 演示代码从页面链接。 Belated full disclosure: I am the author of that page and the functions on it.迟来的全面披露:我是该页面及其功能的作者。

i find most of the proposed functions hard to understand - so i came up with this:我发现大多数提议的功能很难理解 - 所以我想出了这个:

static char *dull_replace(const char *in, const char *pattern, const char *by)
    size_t outsize = strlen(in) + 1;
    // TODO maybe avoid reallocing by counting the non-overlapping occurences of pattern
    char *res = malloc(outsize);
    // use this to iterate over the output
    size_t resoffset = 0;

    char *needle;
    while (needle = strstr(in, pattern)) {
        // copy everything up to the pattern
        memcpy(res + resoffset, in, needle - in);
        resoffset += needle - in;

        // skip the pattern in the input-string
        in = needle + strlen(pattern);

        // adjust space for replacement
        outsize = outsize - strlen(pattern) + strlen(by);
        res = realloc(res, outsize);

        // copy the pattern
        memcpy(res + resoffset, by, strlen(by));
        resoffset += strlen(by);

    // copy the remaining input
    strcpy(res + resoffset, in);

    return res;

output must be free'd输出必须是自由的

You can use this function (the comments explain how it works):你可以使用这个函数(注释解释了它是如何工作的):

void strreplace(char *string, const char *find, const char *replaceWith){
    if(strstr(string, replaceWith) != NULL){
        char *temporaryString = malloc(strlen(strstr(string, find) + strlen(find)) + 1);
        strcpy(temporaryString, strstr(string, find) + strlen(find));    //Create a string with what's after the replaced part
        *strstr(string, find) = '\0';    //Take away the part to replace and the part after it in the initial string
        strcat(string, replaceWith);    //Concat the first part of the string with the part to replace with
        strcat(string, temporaryString);    //Concat the first part of the string with the part after the replaced part
        free(temporaryString);    //Free the memory to avoid memory leaks

Here is the one that I created based on these requirements:这是我根据这些要求创建的:

  1. Replace the pattern regardless of whether is was long or shorter.无论是长还是短,都替换模式。

  2. Not use any malloc (explicit or implicit) to intrinsically avoid memory leaks.不要使用任何 malloc(显式或隐式)从本质上避免内存泄漏。

  3. Replace any number of occurrences of pattern.替换任意数量的模式出现。

  4. Tolerate the replace string having a substring equal to the search string.允许替换字符串的子字符串等于搜索字符串。

  5. Does not have to check that the Line array is sufficient in size to hold the replacement.不必检查线阵列的大小是否足以容纳替换。 eg This does not work unless the caller knows that line is of sufficient size to hold the new string.例如,除非调用者知道该行的大小足以容纳新字符串,否则这不起作用。

/* returns number of strings replaced.
int replacestr(char *line, const char *search, const char *replace)
   int count;
   char *sp; // start of pattern

   //printf("replacestr(%s, %s, %s)\n", line, search, replace);
   if ((sp = strstr(line, search)) == NULL) {
   count = 1;
   int sLen = strlen(search);
   int rLen = strlen(replace);
   if (sLen > rLen) {
      // move from right to left
      char *src = sp + sLen;
      char *dst = sp + rLen;
      while((*dst = *src) != '\0') { dst++; src++; }
   } else if (sLen < rLen) {
      // move from left to right
      int tLen = strlen(sp) - sLen;
      char *stop = sp + rLen;
      char *src = sp + sLen + tLen;
      char *dst = sp + rLen + tLen;
      while(dst >= stop) { *dst = *src; dst--; src--; }
   memcpy(sp, replace, rLen);

   count += replacestr(sp + rLen, search, replace);


Any suggestions for improving this code are cheerfully accepted.任何改进此代码的建议都会被欣然接受。 Just post the comment and I will test it.只需发表评论,我将对其进行测试。

a fix to fann95's response, using in-place modification of the string, and assuming the buffer pointed to by line is large enough to hold the resulting string.修复 fann95 的响应,使用字符串的就地修改,并假设 line 指向的缓冲区大到足以容纳结果字符串。

static void replacestr(char *line, const char *search, const char *replace)
     char *sp;

     if ((sp = strstr(line, search)) == NULL) {
     int search_len = strlen(search);
     int replace_len = strlen(replace);
     int tail_len = strlen(sp+search_len);

     memcpy(sp, replace, replace_len);

This function only works if ur string has extra space for new length此功能仅在您的字符串有额外空间用于新长度时才有效

void replace_str(char *str,char *org,char *rep)
    char *ToRep = strstr(str,org);
    char *Rest = (char*)malloc(strlen(ToRep));



This only replaces First occurrence这只替换第一次出现

Here goes mine, make them all char*, which makes calling easier...这是我的,将它们全部设为 char*,这使得调用更容易......

char *strrpc(char *str,char *oldstr,char *newstr){
    char bstr[strlen(str)];
    int i;
    for(i = 0;i < strlen(str);i++){
            i += strlen(oldstr) - 1;
                strncat(bstr,str + i,1);

    return str;

You can use strrep()您可以使用 strrep()

char* strrep ( const char * cadena, const char * strf, const char * strr ) char* strrep (const char * cadena, const char * strf, const char * strr)

strrep (String Replace). strrep(字符串替换)。 Replaces 'strf' with 'strr' in 'cadena' and returns the new string.将 'cadena' 中的 'strf' 替换为 'strr' 并返回新字符串。 You need to free the returned string in your code after using strrep.使用 strrep 后,您需要释放代码中返回的字符串。

Parameters cadena The string with the text.参数 cadena 带有文本的字符串。 strf The text to find. strf 要查找的文本。 strr The replacement text. strr 替换文本。

Returns The text updated wit the replacement.返回 用替换更新的文本。

Project can be found at https://github.com/ipserc/strrep项目可以在https://github.com/ipserc/strrep找到

char *replace(const char*instring, const char *old_part, const char *new_part)


    if(!instring || !old_part || !new_part)
        return (char*)NULL;

    size_t instring_len=strlen(instring);
    size_t new_len=strlen(new_part);
    size_t old_len=strlen(old_part);
    if(instring_len<old_len || old_len==0)
        return (char*)NULL;

    const char *in=instring;
    const char *found=NULL;
    size_t count=0;
    size_t out=0;
    size_t ax=0;
    char *outstring=NULL;

    if(new_len> old_len )
        size_t Diff=EXPECTED_REPLACEMENTS*(new_len-old_len);
        size_t outstring_len=instring_len + Diff;
        outstring =(char*) malloc(outstring_len); 
            return (char*)NULL;
        while((found = strstr(in, old_part))!=NULL)
                     return (char*)NULL;
        outstring =(char*) malloc(instring_len);
            return (char*)NULL;
        while((found = strstr(in, old_part))!=NULL)

    return outstring;

There you go....this is the function to replace every occurance of char x with char y within character string str你去吧....这是在字符串str中用char y替换每次出现的char x的函数

char *zStrrep(char *str, char x, char y){
    char *tmp=str;
        if(*tmp == x)
            *tmp++ = y; /* assign first, then incement */

    // *tmp='\0'; -> we do not need this
    return str;

An example usage could be一个示例用法可能是

  Exmaple Usage
        char s[]="this is a trial string to test the function.";
        char x=' ', y='_';

  Example Output

The function is from a string library I maintain on Github , you are more than welcome to have a look at other available functions or even contribute to the code :)该函数来自我在 Github 上维护的字符串库,非常欢迎您查看其他可用函数甚至贡献代码:)

https://github.com/fnoyanisi/zString https://github.com/fnoyanisi/zString

EDIT: @siride is right, the function above replaces chars only.编辑:@siride 是对的,上面的函数只替换字符。 Just wrote this one, which replaces character strings.刚刚写了这个,它替换了字符串。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* replace every occurance of string x with string y */
char *zstring_replace_str(char *str, const char *x, const char *y){
    char *tmp_str = str, *tmp_x = x, *dummy_ptr = tmp_x, *tmp_y = y;
    int len_str=0, len_y=0, len_x=0;

    /* string length */
    for(; *tmp_y; ++len_y, ++tmp_y)

    for(; *tmp_str; ++len_str, ++tmp_str)

    for(; *tmp_x; ++len_x, ++tmp_x)

    /* Bounds check */
    if (len_y >= len_str)
        return str;

    /* reset tmp pointers */
    tmp_y = y;
    tmp_x = x;

    for (tmp_str = str ; *tmp_str; ++tmp_str)
        if(*tmp_str == *tmp_x) {
            /* save tmp_str */
            for (dummy_ptr=tmp_str; *dummy_ptr == *tmp_x; ++tmp_x, ++dummy_ptr)
                if (*(tmp_x+1) == '\0' && ((dummy_ptr-str+len_y) < len_str)){
                /* Reached end of x, we got something to replace then!
                * Copy y only if there is enough room for it
                    for(tmp_y=y; *tmp_y; ++tmp_y, ++tmp_str)
                        *tmp_str = *tmp_y;
        /* reset tmp_x */
        tmp_x = x;

    return str;

int main()
    char s[]="Free software is a matter of liberty, not price.\n"
             "To understand the concept, you should think of 'free' \n"
             "as in 'free speech', not as in 'free beer'";

    return 0;

And below is the output下面是输出

Free software is a matter of liberty, not price.
To understand the concept, you should think of 'free' 
as in 'free speech', not as in 'free beer'

FXYZ software is a matter of liberty, not price.
To understand the concept, you should think of 'fXYZ' 
as in 'fXYZ speech', not as in 'fXYZ beer'
/*замена символа в строке*/
char* replace_char(char* str, char in, char out) {
    char * p = str;

    while(p != '\0') {
        if(*p == in)
            *p == out;

    return str;
DWORD ReplaceString(__inout PCHAR source, __in DWORD dwSourceLen, __in const char* pszTextToReplace, __in const char* pszReplaceWith)
    PCHAR foundSeq = NULL;
    PCHAR restOfString = NULL;
    PCHAR searchStart = source;
    size_t szReplStrcLen = strlen(pszReplaceWith), szRestOfStringLen = 0, sztextToReplaceLen = strlen(pszTextToReplace), remainingSpace = 0, dwSpaceRequired = 0;
    if (strcmp(pszTextToReplace, "") == 0)
    else if (strcmp(pszTextToReplace, pszReplaceWith) != 0)
            foundSeq = strstr(searchStart, pszTextToReplace);
            if (foundSeq)
                szRestOfStringLen = (strlen(foundSeq) - sztextToReplaceLen) + 1;
                remainingSpace = dwSourceLen - (foundSeq - source);
                dwSpaceRequired = szReplStrcLen + (szRestOfStringLen);
                if (dwSpaceRequired > remainingSpace)
                    dwRC = ERROR_MORE_DATA;

                    restOfString = CMNUTIL_calloc(szRestOfStringLen, sizeof(CHAR));
                    strcpy_s(restOfString, szRestOfStringLen, foundSeq + sztextToReplaceLen);

                    strcpy_s(foundSeq, remainingSpace, pszReplaceWith);
                    strcat_s(foundSeq, remainingSpace, restOfString);

                searchStart = foundSeq + szReplStrcLen; //search in the remaining str. (avoid loops when replWith contains textToRepl 
        } while (foundSeq && dwRC == NO_ERROR);
    return dwRC;

Here goes mine, it's self contained and versatile, as well as efficient, it grows or shrinks buffers as needed in each recursion这是我的,它是独立的、多功能的、高效的,它在每次递归中根据需要增加或缩小缓冲区

void strreplace(char *src, char *str, char *rep)
    char *p = strstr(src, str);
    if (p)
        int len = strlen(src)+strlen(rep)-strlen(str);
        char r[len];
        memset(r, 0, len);
        if ( p >= src ){
            strncpy(r, src, p-src);
            strncat(r, rep, strlen(rep));
            strncat(r, p+strlen(str), p+strlen(str)-src+strlen(src));
            strcpy(src, r);
            strreplace(p+strlen(rep), str, rep);

Using only strlen from string.h仅使用 string.h 中的 strlen

sorry for my English对不起我的英语不好

char * str_replace(char * text,char * rep, char * repw){//text -> to replace in it | rep -> replace | repw -> replace with
    int replen = strlen(rep),repwlen = strlen(repw),count;//some constant variables
    for(int i=0;i<strlen(text);i++){//search for the first character from rep in text
        if(text[i] == rep[0]){//if it found it
            count = 1;//start searching from the next character to avoid repetition
            for(int j=1;j<replen;j++){
                if(text[i+j] == rep[j]){//see if the next character in text is the same as the next in the rep if not break
            if(count == replen){//if count equals to the lenght of the rep then we found the word that we want to replace in the text
                if(replen < repwlen){
                    for(int l = strlen(text);l>i;l--){//cuz repwlen greater than replen we need to shift characters to the right to make space for the replacement to fit
                        text[l+repwlen-replen] = text[l];//shift by repwlen-replen
                if(replen > repwlen){
                    for(int l=i+replen-repwlen;l<strlen(text);l++){//cuz replen greater than repwlen we need to shift the characters to the left
                        text[l-(replen-repwlen)] = text[l];//shift by replen-repwlen
                    text[strlen(text)-(replen-repwlen)] = '\0';//get rid of the last unwanted characters
                for(int l=0;l<repwlen;l++){//replace rep with repwlen
                    text[i+l] = repw[l];
                if(replen != repwlen){
                    i+=repwlen-1;//pass to the next character | try text "y" ,rep "y",repw "yy" without this line to understand
    return text;

if you want strlen code to avoid calling string.h如果您希望 strlen 代码避免调用 string.h

int strlen(char * string){//use this code to avoid calling string.h
    int lenght = 0;
    while(string[lenght] != '\0'){
    return lenght;

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