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Laravel + Vuejs输入表单,具有数据库值和更新

[英]Laravel + Vuejs Input Form With Database Value and Update

Trying to do a simple input box. 试图做一个简单的输入框。 The default value should be a database value, and when user updates the value, it also updates the database. 默认值应该是一个数据库值,并且当用户更新该值时,它也会更新数据库。 I'm using Laravel 5.5 and this is a vue component. 我正在使用Laravel 5.5,这是一个vue组件。 So the initial value would be 3 from the database, but then if someone changes the value, it would also update the database. 因此,数据库的初始值为3,但是如果有人更改了该值,它也会更新数据库。 Am I on the right track with what's below, or am I way off? 我是否在正确的轨道上,下面是什么,还是我走了? Currently it won't get the initial amount, and it won't update. 目前,它不会获得初始金额,也不会更新。

  <div>Corn: <input v-model="corn" style="width: 50px;" /></div>
export default {
  data: function() {
    return {
      items: 'not updated',
      corn: items.cornquant
    }    },
  watch: { // whenever amount changes, function will run
    corn: function(newCorn, oldCorn) {
      this.corn = '2'
    }      },
  mounted: function() {
  methods: {
    getVueItems: function() {
      axios.get('/testing').then(response => {
        this.items = response.data;
         });  },
   getCorn: _.debounce(
      function() {
        this.corn = 'Thinking...'
        var vm = this
        axios.put('/corn/{amount}').then(response => {
          vm.corn = response.data;
        })   },
      // milliseconds we wait for user to stop typing.
    )      },     }

And here's the route (did a little editing, this updates now): 这是路线(进行了一些编辑,现在更新):

Route::post('/corn', function () {
$test = App\Resource::where('user_id', Auth::id())->update(['cornquant' => request('amount')]);
return $test;

Use an es6 arrow function in debounce to preserve this . 在反跳中使用es6箭头功能可保留this Then remove var vm = this and assign to corn like this.corn = response.data . 然后删除var vm = this并像this.corn = response.data var vm = this分配给corn。

And where are you initially calling getCorn ? 您最初在哪里打电话给getCorn

Got everything sorted. 一切都整理了。 Defining default values was the hardest part, but ended up being easy enough! 定义默认值是最困难的部分,但最终变得很容易!

Here's the vue template file: 这是vue模板文件:

  <div>Corn: <input v-model="corn" style="width: 50px;" /></div>
export default {
  data: function() {
    return {
      items: 'not updated',
      corn: '0'
    }    },
  watch: { // whenever input amount changes, function will run
    corn: function() {
    }      },
  mounted: function() { 
    this.getVueItems(); //this will call the actual corn value to put as the default value
  methods: {
    getVueItems: function() {
      axios.get('/testing').then(response => {
        this.items = response.data;
        this.corn = response.data.cornlq; //set initial value
         });  },
   getCorn: _.debounce(
      function() {
        var vm = this
        axios.post('/corn', { //updates database
      corn: this.corn,
     }).then(response => {
      vm.corn = response.data.cornlq; //keeps actual database value in input
    })    },
    )      },     }

And the route: 路线:

Route::post('/corn', function () {
App\Resource::where('user_id', Auth::id())->update(['cornlq' => request('corn')]); //update database with new amount
$result = App\Resource::where('user_id', Auth::id())->first(); //save all amounts to $result
return $result; //return result so I can update the vue

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