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使用 VBA 连接到 Citrix

[英]Connect to Citrix with VBA

This is my first question here.这是我在这里的第一个问题。

In my work, we connect to our internal network with smart cards.在我的工作中,我们使用智能卡连接到我们的内部网络。
Thus, when we want to connect to Citrix, we just open CheckPoint's Hammer (from all programs menu), then press ctrl+alt+delete and then type our personal password (for the smart card).因此,当我们想要连接到 Citrix 时,我们只需打开 CheckPoint 的 Hammer(从所有程序菜单),然后按 ctrl+alt+delete,然后输入我们的个人密码(用于智能卡)。

Since we don't have username and password for Citrix , I don't know how to connect automatically using VBA (ie from Excel).由于我们没有 Citrix 的用户名和密码,我不知道如何使用 VBA(即从 Excel)自动连接。

I found a code that requires username and password, which I don't have (it starts well and then stucks):发现了一个需要用户名和密码的代码,但我没有(它启动良好,然后卡住了):

Sub checkConnected()
    Dim cli As New WFICALib.ICAClient
    cli.SetProp "Address", ""
    cli.SetProp "Username", "xxxxxxxxxx"
    cli.SetProp "Password", "xxxxxxxxxx"
    cli.SetProp "Domain", "xxxxxxx"
    cli.Launch = True
    Debug.Print cli.AUTHUsername
    Debug.Print cli.Connected
    Debug.Print cli.GetSessionCount
End Sub

I would love to get your Help.我很想得到你的帮助。 Thank you!谢谢!

have you talked to your company IT/ data security team?您是否与贵公司的 IT/数据安全团队进行过交谈? Checkpoint Is usually there to secure corporate data, and the intention is that you cannot remove it from the internal network. Checkpoint 通常用于保护公司数据,目的是您无法将其从内部网络中删除。 Can you not use excel and access within Citrix to collect and present the data, rather than trying to pull the data off the network and onto your PC?难道您不能在 Citrix 中使用 excel 和 access 来收集和呈现数据,而不是尝试将数据从网络中提取到您的 PC 上吗? Your IT team will be able to help you find the best and most secure way to do what you want.您的 IT 团队将能够帮助您找到最佳和最安全的方式来做您想做的事。

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