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[英]Type-safe mixin decorator in TypeScript

I tried to define type-safe mixin() decorator function like follows, 我试着定义类型安全的mixin()装饰器函数,如下所示,

type Constructor<T> = new(...args: any[]) => T;

function mixin<T>(MixIn: Constructor<T>) {
    return function decorator<U>(Base: Constructor<U>) : Constructor<T & U> {
        Object.getOwnPropertyNames(MixIn.prototype).forEach(name => {
            Base.prototype[name] = MixIn.prototype[name];

        return Base as Constructor<T & U>;

And used it as follows, 并使用如下,

class MixInClass {
    mixinMethod() {console.log('mixin method is called')}

 *  apply mixin(MixInClass) implicitly (use decorator syntax)
class Base1 {
    baseMethod1() { }
const m1 = new Base1();
m1.mixinMethod(); // error TS2339: Property 'mixinMethod' does not exist on type 'Base1'.

Then, compiler said m1 didn't have the member 'mixinMethod' . 然后,编译器说m1没有成员'mixinMethod'

And generated code is as follows, 生成的代码如下,

var Base1 = /** @class */ (function () {
    function Base1() {
    Base1.prototype.baseMethod1 = function () { };
    Base1 = __decorate([
    ], Base1);
    return Base1;

It looks that mixin decorator was applied correctly. 看起来mixin decorator被正确应用了。

So, in my understanding, the type of m1 is inferred as Base1 & MixIn . 因此,根据我的理解, m1的类型被推断为Base1 & MixIn But compiler says it's just Base1 . 但是编译器说它只是Base1

I used tsc 2.6.2 and compiled these codes with --experimentalDecorators flag. 我使用了tsc 2.6.2并使用--experimentalDecorators标志编译了这些代码。

Why does compiler fail to recognize the type as I expected? 为什么编译器无法像我预期的那样识别类型?

Based on @jcalz's answer, I modified my code as follows, 基于@jcalz的回答,我修改了我的代码如下,

type Constructor<T> = new(...args: any[]) => T

function mixin<T1, T2>(MixIns:  [Constructor<T1>, Constructor<T2>]): Constructor<T1&T2>;
function mixin(MixIns) {
    class Class{ };

    for (const MixIn of MixIns) {
        Object.getOwnPropertyNames(MixIn.prototype).forEach(name => {
            Class.prototype[name] = MixIn.prototype[name];

    return Class;

class MixInClass1 {
    mixinMethod1() {}

class MixInClass2 {
    mixinMethod2() {}

class Base extends mixin([MixInClass1, MixInClass2]) {
    baseMethod() { }

const x = new Base();

x.baseMethod(); // OK
x.mixinMethod1(); // OK
x.mixinMethod2(); // OK
x.mixinMethod3(); // Property 'mixinMethod3' does not exist on type 'Base' (Expected behavior, Type check works correctly)

This works pretty well. 这非常有效。 I want to improve this mixin function for variable length mixin classes. 我想为可变长度的mixin类改进这个mixin函数。

One solution is adding overload function declaration like follows, 一种解决方案是添加如下的重载函数声明,

function mixin<T1>(MixIns: [Constructor<T1>]): Constructor<T1>;
function mixin<T1, T2>(MixIns: [Constructor<T1>, Constructor<T2>]): Constructor<T1&T2>;
function mixin<T1, T2, T3>(MixIns: [Constructor<T1>, Constructor<T2>, Constructor<T3>]): Constructor<T1&T2&T3>;

But this is too ugly. 但这太难看了。 Are there any good ideas? 有什么好主意吗? Is it impossible until variadic-kind is supported? 在支持变量类型之前是不可能的?

Decorators don't mutate the type signature of the decorated class the way you're expecting. 装饰器不会以您期望的方式改变装饰类的类型签名。 There's a rather lengthy issue in Github which discusses this, and it's not clear there's agreement on how (or if) such mutation should be implemented. 在Github中有一个相当冗长的问题讨论了这个问题,并且不清楚是否应该如何(或者是否)应该实现这种突变。 The main problem right now is that the compiler understands Base1 as the undecorated class, and doesn't have a name for the decorated version. 现在的主要问题是编译器将Base1理解为未修饰的类,并且没有装饰版本的名称。

From reading that Github issue, it looks like the suggested workaround (for now at least) is something like: 从阅读Github问题看起来,看起来建议的解决方法(至少现在)是这样的:

class Base1 extends mixin(MixInClass)(
  class {
    baseMethod1() { }
  }) {

So you're not using the decorator @ notation, and instead directly applying the decorator function to an anonymous class (which has the same implementation of your desired Base1 ), and then subclassing that to get Base1 . 所以你不使用装饰@符号,和而不直接应用的装饰功能,一个匿名类(具有相同的实现所需的Base1 ),然后继承为了获得Base1 Now the compiler understands that Base1 has both a baseMethod1() and a mixinMethod() . 现在编译器知道Base1同时具有baseMethod1()mixinMethod()

Hope you find that helpful. 希望你觉得有帮助。 Good luck! 祝好运!

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