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Gatling>具有Json File的Json响应图

[英]Gatling> Json response map with Json File

Hi I want to validate my Json File saved in resources with the Json response via Get method. 嗨,我想通过Get方法通过Json响应来验证保存在资源中的Json文件。 My Saved Json File looks like this, which is in an array [{ "id":"123" }] 我保存的Json文件如下所示,它位于数组[{“ id”:“ 123”}]中

I am unable to map the File with Response. 我无法使用响应映射文件。

object Products {

val jsonFetchProductIDs = ElFileBody("abc.json")
val fetchProductIds: HttpRequestBuilder = http("fetch")

val products = http("Products")


class ProductsTest extends Simulation {

val productIdInfo = exec(
  .check(status.is(200), jsonPath("$.id").ofType[Map[String,Any]].findAll.saveAs("productsID"))

val productIdResult = exec(session => {

val id = session.get("id").asOption[String]
  foreach("${productsID}", "id") {
    exec(session => {
      val idMap = session("id").as[Map[String, Any]]
      val allId = idMap(" allId")
      session.set("allId", allId)

  val getproductidscenario1 = scenario("Products ID")


  setUp (


You can use the command below to compare the result against file content 您可以使用下面的命令将结果与文件内容进行比较

bodyString.is(ElFileBody("expected_response.json")) bodyString.is(ElFileBody(“ expected_response.json”))

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