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如何在VS Code中将一个界面主题与其他文本颜色主题一起使用?

[英]How to use one interface theme with other text-color theme in VS Code?

I'm currently using Material Theme (Dark High Contrast) in Visual Studio Code, I really like how the interface looks like, although the color highlighting isn't that great since it uses a lot of red for main elements which I don't like. 我目前在Visual Studio Code中使用Material Theme(深色高对比度),我真的很喜欢界面的外观,尽管突出显示的颜色不是很好,因为它对主要元素使用了很多红色,而我没有喜欢。 I tried out Cobalt2 by WesBos and it was the opposite, the text colors worked just right, everything really understandable but I don't like that blueish interface, just doesn't feel ok for me. 我试用了WesBos的Cobalt2,情况恰好相反,文本颜色工作正常,所有内容都可以理解,但是我不喜欢那种偏蓝的界面,只是觉得不舒服。

How could I wether implement an own theme by grapping the interface of Material Theme and the color highlight of Cobalt2, or simply join together these two. 我该如何通过抓取Material Theme的界面和Cobalt2的颜色突出显示来实现自己的主题,或者将二者简单地结合在一起。

Not planning on making an theme out of that, it's just a personal choice :) 不打算以此为主题,这只是个人选择:)

Thank you stranger! 谢谢陌生人!

From command palette : Developer: Generate Color Theme From Current Settings command paletteDeveloper: Generate Color Theme From Current Settings

You can copy "colors" from one theme to yours "workbench.colorCustomizations" in settings.json . 您可以将"colors"从一个主题复制到settings.json "workbench.colorCustomizations" Perhaps some colors will be absent, use your imagination or whatnot... 也许会缺少某些颜色,请发挥您的想象力或其他目的……

Related feature request: Separate workbench theme and syntax theme 相关功能要求: 独立的工作台主题和语法主题

Workbench colors reference https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/theme-color-reference 工作台颜色参考https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/theme-color-reference

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