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[英]TestNG Executing Test One Iteration at a time with DataProvider

I am using data provider to pass data to each of the test methods. 我正在使用数据提供程序将数据传递给每个测试方法。 Let's assume there are 2 rows in the data provider. 假设数据提供者中有2行。

@Test(dataProvider = "TestData")
public void firstTest(String data){

@Test(dataProvider = "TestData")
public void secondTest(String data){

@Test(dataProvider = "TestData")
public void thirdTest(String data){

Currently all iterations of single test method runs and then the second test method runs... For example: 当前,单个测试方法的所有迭代都将运行,然后第二个测试方法将运行...例如:




But I want to run in the following order. 但是我想按以下顺序运行。



Below is the xml for TestNG. 以下是TestNG的xml。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd">

<suite name="Test-Automation" parallel="methods" thread-count="2" verbose="1">
    <test name="Suite Test" parallel="methods" thread-count="2" verbose="1">
             <listener class-name="GroupByInstanceEnabler"></listener>

            <class name="SampleTest">
                    <include name="firstTest"/>
                    <include name="secondTest"/>
                    <include name="thirdTest"/>

The GroupByListener method is defined as below. GroupByListener方法定义如下。

import org.testng.ISuite;
import org.testng.ISuiteListener;

public class GroupByInstanceEnabler implements ISuiteListener {

    public void onStart(ISuite suite) {

    public void onFinish(ISuite suite) {


I have checked the below 2 questions and it does not seem to work for me. 我检查了以下2个问题,它似乎对我不起作用。

TestNG iterate over test data instead of test methods TestNG遍历测试数据而不是测试方法

TestNG - Dataprovider at Class level test annocation TestNG-Class级别的测试提供程序中的Dataprovider

http://fruzenshtein.com/testng-dataprovider-run-tests-sequentially/ http://fruzenshtein.com/testng-dataprovider-run-tests-sequentially/

You should be using a TestNG factory that is powered by a data provider. 您应该使用由数据提供者提供支持的TestNG工厂。

Here's a sample that shows you how to use TestNG factories coupled with a data provider. 这是一个示例,向您展示如何结合数据提供程序使用TestNG工厂。

package com.rationaleemotions.stackoverflow.qn48399410;

import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Factory;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class SampleTestClass {
    private int iteration;

    @Factory(dataProvider = "dp")
    public SampleTestClass(int iteration) {
        this.iteration = iteration;

    public void firstTest() {
        System.err.println("firstTest() running for iteration #" + iteration);

    public void secondTest() {
        System.err.println("secondTest() running for iteration #" + iteration);

    public void thirdTest() {
        System.err.println("thirdTest() running for iteration #" + iteration);

    @DataProvider(name = "dp")
    public static Object[][] getData() {
        return new Object[][]{

And here's the suite xml file 这是套件xml文件

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd">
<suite name="48399410_Suite" parallel="false" verbose="2">
    <test name="48399410_test" verbose="2" group-by-instances="true">
            <class name="com.rationaleemotions.stackoverflow.qn48399410.SampleTestClass"/>

The attribute group-by-instances=true would have an effect only when you are working with factories. 仅当您在工厂工作时, group-by-instances=true属性才有效。 It would cause TestNG to run all the methods within a test class instance together (which is apt in this case). 这将导致TestNG一起运行测试类实例中的所有方法(在这种情况下是合适的)。

Refer to the official TestNG documentation on factories for more information. 有关更多信息,请参考工厂的官方TestNG文档

Here's the output 这是输出

... TestNG 6.13.1 by Cédric Beust (cedric@beust.com)
firstTest() running for iteration #2
secondTest() running for iteration #2

thirdTest() running for iteration #2
firstTest() running for iteration #3
secondTest() running for iteration #3
thirdTest() running for iteration #3
firstTest() running for iteration #1
secondTest() running for iteration #1
thirdTest() running for iteration #1
PASSED: firstTest
PASSED: secondTest
PASSED: thirdTest
PASSED: firstTest
PASSED: secondTest
PASSED: thirdTest
PASSED: firstTest
PASSED: secondTest
PASSED: thirdTest

    Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Skips: 0

Total tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
Krishnan Mahadevan , how can i run the iteration for a data provider using an array inside test class.

for Example 
@Test (dataProvider="dp")
    public void firstTest() {
        System.err.println("firstTest() running for iteration #" + iteration);
        array of data provider elements ? 
is it feasible via dataprovider ? 

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