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[英]MYSQL Unable to update parent table - Relational Database Design, foreign key constraints and cascading update / delete

I have a very simple database design for managing TV shows: 我有一个非常简单的数据库设计来管理电视节目:

  1. Parent table: tv_shows . 父表: tv_shows Primary key: show_id 主键: show_id
  2. Child table: seasons . 子表: seasons Primary key: season_id , Foreign key: show_id 主键: season_id ,外键: show_id
  3. Child table: episodes . 子表: episodes Primary key: episode_id , Foreign key: season_id 主键: episode_id ,外键: season_id

Table creation SQL: 表创建SQL:

     $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$table_shows.";
        CREATE TABLE $table_shows (
          show_id int(11) NOT NULL,
          name varchar(120) DEFAULT NULL,
          PRIMARY KEY  (show_id),
          UNIQUE KEY  show_id_UNIQUE (show_id)
        ) $charset_collate;

        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$table_seasons.";
        CREATE TABLE $table_seasons (
          season_id int(10) NOT NULL,
          show_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
          name varchar(120) DEFAULT NULL,
          PRIMARY KEY  (season_id),
          KEY seasons_ibfk_1 (show_id),
          CONSTRAINT  seasons_ibfk_1 FOREIGN KEY  (show_id) REFERENCES $table_shows (show_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
        ) $charset_collate;

        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$table_episodes.";
        CREATE TABLE $table_episodes (
          episode_id int(10) NOT NULL,
          season_id int(10) DEFAULT NULL,
          name varchar(120) DEFAULT NULL,
          PRIMARY KEY  (episode_id),
          KEY  season_id (season_id),
          CONSTRAINT  episodes_ibfk_1 FOREIGN KEY  (season_id) REFERENCES $table_seasons (season_id)
        ) $charset_collate;";

What I want to happen is if a show was deleted from the tv_shows table, then the delete cascades, so the seasons and episodes are also deleted from their respective tables. 我想发生的事情是,如果从tv_shows表中删除了某个节目,则删除级联,因此seasonsepisodes也从其各自的表中删除。

I can insert into these tables fine. 我可以插入这些表中。 But if I try and delete a row from the tv_shows table then I get an SQL error: 但是,如果我尝试从tv_shows表中删除一行,则会收到SQL错误:

ERROR 1451: 1451: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails

So where have I gone wrong with my FK constraints? 那么我的FK约束哪里出错了?

You need to add the ON DELETE CASCADE to the episodes as well. 您还需要在片段中添加ON DELETE CASCADE This ensures that they all follow each other into the bin. 这样可以确保它们彼此跟随进入垃圾箱。

CONSTRAINT  episodes_ibfk_1 
    FOREIGN KEY  (season_id) 
    REFERENCES $table_seasons (season_id)   

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