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字典:TypeError:在字典中循环时“ bool” /“ nonetype对象”不可迭代

[英]Dictionary: TypeError: 'bool'/'nonetype object' not iterable when looping in dictionary

For the following dictionary, 对于以下字典,

a1 = {'a2':{'name':'mic\xa0\xa0', 'age':'12\xa0\xa0', 'college':True, 'contact':''},
        'a3':{'name':'sen\xa0\xa0', 'age':'23\xa0\xa0','college':True,'contact':''}}

When looping on dictionary and performing some action getting bool object not iterable, if remove the boolean field( college ) from dictionary then error is coming for empty filed( nonetype ( contact ) object not iterable) 当在字典上循环并执行一些操作使bool对象不可迭代时,如果从字典中删除布尔字段( college ),则空字段将出现错误( nonetypecontact )对象不可迭代)

def t1():
    a4 = {k : 
    {k2: ''.join([i if 32 < ord(i) < 126 else " " for i in v2])
    for k2, v2 in v.items()} for k, v in a1.items()
    return a4

a5 = t1()

Any help would be appreciated. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。

Just make a small change to check if v2 is a string using isinstance() . 只需isinstance()更改即可使用isinstance()检查v2是否为字符串。 If it is a string, then iterate and do your operation. 如果是字符串,则进行迭代并执行操作。 Otherwise, return it unchanged. 否则,将其保持不变。

Example: 例:

def t1():
    a4 = {
        k : {
            k2: ''.join([i if 32 < ord(i) < 126 else " " for i in v2]) 
            if isinstance(v2, str) else v2 for k2, v2 in v.items()  
        for k, v in a1.items()
    return a4

a5 = t1()


Output: 输出:

  "a3": {
    "age": "23  ", 
    "contact": "", 
    "college": True, 
    "name": "sen  "
  "a2": {
    "age": "12  ", 
    "contact": "", 
    "college": True, 
    "name": "mic  "

You may also want to add in a .strip() to the result of the join() in order to remove leading/trailing whitespace. 您可能还需要在添加.strip()到的结果join() ,以删除前导/尾随空白。

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