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具有异步任务的单元测试ASP.NET MVC 5控制器<ActionResult>

[英]Unit test ASP.NET MVC 5 Controller with async Task<ActionResult>

Currently I am trying to do some unit test for the Controller and the ViewModel. 目前,我正在尝试对Controller和ViewModel进行一些单元测试。 My Controller function is like this: 我的控制器功能是这样的: 在此处输入图片说明 It calls a private method to get user information as a helper function: 它调用一个私有方法来获取用户信息作为辅助函数: 在此处输入图片说明

And store the user information in a viewModel then push the viewModel to the client-side. 并将用户信息存储在viewModel中,然后将viewModel推送到客户端。

The Question is how can I do uniting testing for this controller and the associated viewModel? 问题是如何对该控制器和关联的viewModel进行联合测试?

Here is my unit test case: 这是我的单元测试用例: 在此处输入图片说明

It returns a Task, which has no viewModel data. 它返回一个没有viewModel数据的Task。 How can I access the data related to the viewModel? 如何访问与viewModel相关的数据?

Let me know if the information I gave is inadequate. 让我知道我提供的信息是否不足。

You should await the async method and you should follow "async all the way" rule. 您应该await异步方法,并且应该遵循“一路异步”规则。

var result = await _controller.Index("644405",DateTime.Now);

And you have to change your unit test method as async . 而且,您必须将单元测试方法更改为async

Your unit test should look like this: (NUnit example) 您的单元测试应如下所示:(NUnit示例)

public async Task ShouldGetValidViewObject_async()
    var result = await _controller.Index("644405", DateTime.Now);
    Assert.// your assertion goes here

Or like this (sync) 或像这样(同步)

public void ShouldGetValidViewObject()
    var result = _controller.Index("644405",DateTime.Now).Result;
    Assert.// your assertion goes here

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