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yii2 htaccess允许直接访问文件

[英]yii2 htaccess allow direct access for a file

I'm working on a yii2 advance application project. 我正在研究yii2高级应用程序项目。 I have an .htaccess file with this content in my project root: 我的项目根目录中有一个带有此内容的.htaccess文件:

Options -Indexes

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c> 
  RewriteEngine on

  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^public
  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ backend/web/$1 [L] 
  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ frontend/web/$1 [L] 

# Deny accessing below extensions
<Files ~ "(.json|.lock|.git)">
   Order allow,deny
   Deny from all

# Deny accessing dot files
RewriteRule (^\.|/\.) - [F]

This will hide frontend/web and backend/web from url( official yii wiki ). 这将从url( 官方yii wiki )隐藏frontend/webbackend/web

But, now I need to access just test.php file in my project root directly(without applying MVC structure rules). 但是,现在我需要访问只是 test.php在我的项目的根直接文件(不应用MVC结构规则)。 In fact, I want to access mydomain.com/test.php directly. 实际上,我想直接访问mydomain.com/test.php How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

Note that I don't want to open direct access for any other files. 请注意, 我不想打开任何其他文件的直接访问权限。


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