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我应该为Realm.write()使用[unown self]吗?

[英]Should l I use [unowned self] for Realm.write()?

I have some weird memory issues in an app and I'm wondering if I'm doing the correct thing here. 我的应用程序中存在一些奇怪的内存问题,我想知道我是否在这里做正确的事情。 I use Realm and have eg: 我使用Realm并有例如:

try! self.realm.write {

But I'm wondering if I'm causing a retain cycle inadvertently so should maybe do: 但是我想知道是否是由于疏忽造成的保留周期,所以应该这样做:

try! self.realm.write { [unowned self] in

Which would be correct and why? 哪个正确,为什么?

If you have a look at the write method declaration, you will see, that the closure is non escaping. 如果看一下write方法声明,您会发现闭包是不可逃避的。 So, you don't need to use neither weak nor unowned . 因此,您既不需要使用weak也可以使用unowned It will not lead to retain cycle. 它不会导致保留周期。

public func write(_ block: (() throws -> Void)) throws {
    do {
        try block()
    } catch let error {
        if isInWriteTransaction { cancelWrite() }
        throw error
    if isInWriteTransaction { try commitWrite() }

Without knowing much about realm I would suggest using weak self in case that self might be nil. 如果不了解领域,我建议您使用weak self ,以防自我可能为零。

try! self.realm.write { [weak self] in

and maybe try to avoid using ! 并可能尝试避免使用! for the try part and instead handle a possible error case properly. 尝试部分,而是正确处理可能的错误情况。

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