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typo3 fluid f:for非常慢

[英]typo3 fluid f:for is extreamly slow

In my Typo3 extension I us a <f:for to iterate trough a couple of items. 在我的Typo3扩展程序中,我们使用<f:for来迭代两个项目。 Exactly 184 Items. 恰好184个项目。

I generate a slider out of this. 我从中生成一个滑块。

Problem is that this iteration is extremly slow. 问题在于此迭代速度极慢。 Is there a way to fast it up. 有没有一种方法可以加快速度。 Backend is fast less than a sec. 后端速度不到一秒。 Only the frontend rendering needs to long time. 仅前端渲染需要很长时间。

My full frontend Code looks like this: 我完整的前端代码如下所示:

<f:if condition="{videos -> f:count()} > 4">
        <f:for each="{videos}" as="video" iteration="i">
            <f:if condition="{i.isFirst}">
                    <div class="item active">
                    <div class="item">
            <div class="col-lg-3 thumbnailParent">
                <f:link.action controller="FrontendVideo" action="show" arguments="{video : video}">
                    <f:render partial="Video/ShowThumbnail" arguments="{video : video, userAuthorization : userAuthorization}"/>
            <!-- adding slider-class to one of all slides. condition: slide must have more than 4 videos for slide-effect -->
            <f:if condition="{i.isLast}">
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                        function addClassForSliding(myCarouselID) {
        <f:for each="{videos}" as="video" iteration="i">
            <div class="item active">
                <div class="col-lg-3">
                    <f:link.action controller="FrontendVideo" action="show" arguments="{video : video}">
                        <f:render partial="Video/ShowThumbnail" arguments="{video : video, userAuthorization : userAuthorization}"/>
  1. Make sure your caches are enabled - if they are not, don't judge the performance based on uncached renderings. 确保已启用缓存-如果未启用,请不要根据未缓存的渲染来判断性能。
  2. Try to avoid the many conditions you use. 尽量避免使用许多条件。 And definitely don't leave the empty nodes like <f:else></f:else> . 并且绝对不要留下<f:else></f:else>类的空节点。
  3. Move the stuff you do in the last iteration, outside of the loop (thus saving another condition and a lot of node construction). 将您在上一次迭代中所做的工作移到循环之外(这样可以节省其他条件和大量节点构造)。
  4. Avoid the iteration variable whenever possible. 尽可能避免使用iteration变量。 It adds additional processing and variable assignment to each iteration. 它为每个迭代增加了额外的处理和变量分配。
  5. I assume you use JS to activate the component. 我假设您使用JS激活组件。 So use JS to set the active CSS class, thus avoiding 1) opening and closing tags incorrectly like you do, and 2) avoid another condition that only is true a single time, like the other one. 因此,请使用JS设置active CSS类,从而避免1)像您一样错误地打开和关闭标签,以及2)避免仅一次有效的另一种情况,例如另一种情况。
  6. Check your partial that you render. 检查您渲染的局部图像。 It may not be compilable. 它可能无法编译。 And every time you render it, the partial must be resolved. 每次渲染时,都必须解决部分问题。 Note: in this type of use cases, a section almost always performs better than a partial. 注意:在这种类型的用例中,节几乎总是比部分节表现更好。 One tool I wrote which you can use, which also pre-compiles your templates and can fail if any template is not compatible: https://github.com/NamelessCoder/typo3-cms-fluid-precompiler 我写了一个可以使用的工具,它还可以预编译模板,并且如果任何模板不兼容都可能失败: https : //github.com/NamelessCoder/typo3-cms-fluid-precompiler
  7. Generally speaking: don't output <script> in Fluid unless you have an extremely good reason. 一般来说,除非有充分的理由,否则不要在Fluid中输出<script> Whenever possible, load scripts externally and store whichever values the script needs, in for example data- properties. 只要有可能,就从外部加载脚本并在脚本中存储所需的任何值,例如data-属性。 Faster parsing, faster loop. 更快的解析,更快的循环。
  8. Use actual profiling tools to precisely locate the bottleneck. 使用实际的性能分析工具来精确定位瓶颈。 Your code uses ViewHelpers and is also sensitive to configuration, eg the more setup you have for paths etc. the more processing needs to be done in f:render calls. 您的代码使用ViewHelpers,并且对配置也很敏感,例如,对路径等的设置越多。在f:render调用中需要完成的处理越多。 Do not profile in development context! 不要在开发环境中进行概要分析!
  9. Do not profile on a Docker setup - unless you're running Linux. 请勿在Docker设置上进行配置文件-除非您正在运行Linux。 And even then, take results with some reservations: file system performance will never be equal. 即使这样,也要保留一些结果:文件系统性能将永远不平等。

Avoiding iteration and your conditions, and moving the last block outside the loop, should remove a good 80% of the cost (not counting what happens in your partial you render - it could be absolutely horrible in performance and we'd never know since you didn't paste that one). 避免iteration和您的条件,并将最后一个块移到循环外,应该可以节省80%的成本(不计算您渲染的部分中发生的事情-这在性能上绝对是可怕的,我们永远不会知道,因为您没有粘贴那个)。

Finally, when selecting whether to render a partial or a section there are a couple of things to consider. 最后,在选择是渲染部分片段还是部分片段时,需要考虑几件事。 Most of these completely depend on your use case (as in: how do you need your templates to be structured - does it make more sense with a partial you can overlay than a section you cannot?) but it is possible to say something general about performance: 其中大多数完全取决于您的用例(例如:您如何需要对模板进行结构化-与您无法覆盖的部分相比,可以覆盖的部分是否更有意义?),但是可以说一些笼统的内容性能:

  • When you render a section, which exists in the same template, the rendering takes place with a single function call to switch to that section with a new set of template variables. 渲染存在于同一模板中的部分时,将通过单个函数调用进行渲染,以使用一组新的模板变量切换到该部分。
  • But when you render a partial, the template file for this partial first has to be resolved before rendering can take place. 但是,当渲染部分时,必须先解析该部分的模板文件,然后才能进行渲染。
  • The resolved template is not possible to compile since the same compiled template must be possible to render in multiple different contexts. 解析的模板无法编译,因为必须能够在多个不同的上下文中呈现相同的已编译模板。
  • Thus, resolving of a partial template may only be cached once per context, which means that if this same template is rendered in multiple contexts multiple times on a page, performance may suffer a lot compared to using a section (which gets compiled to a plain function call). 因此,每个模板的解析只能在每个上下文中缓存一次,这意味着,如果同一模板在页面上多次在多个上下文中呈现,则与使用段相比,性能可能会受到很大的影响(将其编译为纯文本函数调用)。
  • The more template paths you have, the tougher this is on file resolving. 模板路径越多,文件解析就越困难。

You always need to choose the right tool for the task - that's one of the things our job is as developers - so these points are pretty generic. 您始终需要为任务选择正确的工具-这是我们作为开发人员要做的事情之一-因此,这些要点很通用。 Some uses cases simply have no difference in performance between sections and partials, some don't suffer noticeably from using iteration ; 有些用例在部分和部分之间的性能完全没有差异,而有些则不会因为使用iteration而明显受苦; it all depends on your setup requirements and the data you are rendering. 这完全取决于您的设置要求和要呈现的数据。 Profiling your templates certainly helps finding the right solution so I highly recommend doing that. 对模板进行性能分析无疑有助于找到正确的解决方案,因此我强烈建议您这样做。

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