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[英]How to avoid page break during print preview in IE11?

I have the below html code 我有下面的HTML代码

<div id="allPages"><div class="wrapper chromefix pagebreakbefore">
        <!-- the rows of a grid need to be contained with a div marked with the 'grid' class; I set the height of this div just to simulate space-->
        <div class="row">
            <!-- row of th grid-->
            <div class="col p-25 al">
                <div style="width: 160px; height: 50px;">.....

Pagebreakbefore class basically adds a page break before as the name specifies. 按名称指定,Pagebreakbefore类基本上在之前添加一个分页符。

.pagebreakbefore {
page-break-before: always;
-webkit-break-before: always;
break-before: always;

} }

Now during the print preview, i get an empty page in the beginning in FF and IE11. 现在,在打印预览期间,我在FF和IE11的开头得到一个空白页。 I was able to fix this in FF using the below css style 我可以使用以下CSS样式在FF中修复此问题

@media print{
.pagebreakbefore:first-child { display: block; page-break-before: avoid; }
.pagebreakbefore { display: block; page-break-before: always; }

} }

But it doesnt seem to be working for IE11. 但它似乎不适用于IE11。 There is another reason why i have to use page break before and not after. 还有一个原因为什么我必须在此之前而不是之后使用分页符。 So that is not an option. 所以这不是一个选择。 Can anyone tell me why and how i can get it to work in IE11? 谁能告诉我为什么以及如何使它在IE11中工作?

this works for me... the first figure element in the 'main' element is the cover-page. 这对我有用...“ main”元素中的第一个图形元素是封面。 The subsequent section and form elements (children of the 'main') control breaking after the section closed. 随后的section和form元素(“ main”的子代)控制在该部分关闭之后的中断。

<style media="print">
figure[role=heading],*[role=main] section,form{display:block!important;visibility:visible!important;height:auto; page-break-after:always;-webkit-break-after: always;break-after:always }
*[role=main] section,form{ page-break-before:always;-webkit-break-before: always;break-before:always }

.... you should not break before the first child of your 'main' element. ....您不应在'main'元素的第一个子元素之前中断。

The problem was the display style. 问题是显示样式。 I dont know why it was acting the way it was but i modified the css as below and now it working fine: 我不知道为什么它按原样运行,但是我如下修改了css,现在工作正常:

@media print {
.pagebreakbefore:first-child {
    display: inline !important;
    page-break-before: avoid !important;

.pagebreakbefore {
    page-break-before: always !important;

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