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用于检查系统实体@sys-date是否为今天/昨天的Watson Conversation条件

[英]Watson Conversation condition for checking if system entity @sys-date is today/yesterday

I'm trying to create a dialog with different response/action depending on a @sys-date system entity provided by the user. 我正在尝试创建一个具有不同响应/操作的对话框,具体取决于用户提供的@ sys-date系统实体。 I know I can add conditions such as @sys-date.before('2018-01-24') where the compared value is fixed, but I have not been able to create a conditions that would check if the provided system entity is during today or during yesterday. 我知道我可以添加@ sys-date.before('2018-01-24')这样的条件,其中比较值是固定的,但我无法创建一个条件来检查提供的系统实体是否在今天或昨天。 Best I've tried is @sys-date.before(now().reformatDateTime('dd-MM-yyyy')) but even that does not seem to work like expected. 我尝试过的最好的是@sys-date.before(now()。reformatDateTime('dd-MM-yyyy'))但即使这样似乎也没有像预期的那样工作。

You can find out date for today and yesterday as follows: 你可以找到今天和昨天的日期如下:

{ "context": { "date_today": "<? new Date().format('yyyy-MM-dd') ?>", "date_yesterday": "<? new Date((new Date().getTime()) - (24*60*60*1000L)).format('yyyy-MM-dd') ?>" }

These variables can be used then to compare the date in the system entity. 然后可以使用这些变量来比较系统实体中的日期。 Eg 例如


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