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用 webpack 脚本捆绑 JS 文件?

[英]Bundle JS files with webpack scripts?

I'm super new to webpack and I do not seem to find a way to bundle JS files as I did with Gulp in a very easy way.我是 webpack 的超级新手,我似乎没有找到一种像 Gulp 那样以非常简单的方式捆绑 JS 文件的方法。 I've been searching a bit but didn't find any straight answer to it.我一直在搜索,但没有找到任何直接的答案。

Right now I'm creating two minified files by using in my package.json file, but I would love to have a single one instead:现在我正在通过在我的package.json文件中使用创建两个缩小的文件,但我希望有一个:

"scripts": {
    "stand-alone": "concurrently 'webpack --config=webpack.config.js src/whatever.vue demos/build.min.js --output-library=whatever1'  'webpack --config=webpack.config.js src/whatever2.js demos/mixin.min.js --output-library=whatever2'",

Then my webpack.config.js looks like this:然后我的webpack.config.js看起来像这样:

const webpack = require('webpack');

module.exports = {
  resolve: {
    alias: {
      'vue$': 'vue/dist/vue.js'
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.vue$/,
        loader: 'vue-loader',
        options: {
          loaders: {
            scss: 'vue-style-loader!css-loader!sass-loader',
            js: 'babel-loader'
        test: /\.js$/,
        use: {
          loader: 'babel-loader',
  plugins: [
    new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
      compress: {
        warnings: false,
        drop_console: false,

I believe you are looking for entry points .我相信你正在寻找切入点

In your webpack.config.js module exports object:在你的webpack.config.js模块中导出对象:

Define the entry property:定义entry属性:

 entry: {
    app: ['./path/to/file.js', './path/to/file2.js'],

Define the output property:定义output属性:

 output: {
   path: '/path/to/assets', // ex. '../../wwwroot/dist'
   filename: '[name].js', // Substitutes [name] with the entry name, results in app.js
   publicPath: '/'

Change your script to:将您的脚本更改为:

"scripts": {
    "stand-alone": "webpack --config=webpack.config.js",

If you are using Vue + Webpack, I recommend that you take a look to vue-cli and generate a project using the webpack template.如果你使用 Vue + Webpack,我建议你看看vue-cli并使用 webpack 模板生成一个项目。 It is more advanced, but you can see the documentation and get an idea of what you are missing.它更高级,但您可以查看文档并了解您缺少什么。

Run the following:运行以下命令:

npm install -g vue-cli // install vue cli globally

vue init webpack my-project // create a sample project

If you want to generate multiple output files, you can have more than one entry point like so:如果你想生成多个输出文件,你可以有多个入口点,如下所示:

  entry: {
    app: ['./path/to/file.js', './path/to/file2.js'],
    mixins: './path/to/mixins.js',
    vendors: ['./path/to/vendor.js', './path/to/vendor2.js']

This will write to disk ./path/to/assets/app.js , ./path/to/assets/mixins.js , /path/to/assets/vendors.js .这将写入磁盘./path/to/assets/app.js./path/to/assets/mixins.js/path/to/assets/vendors.js

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