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第一个带有MapBox SDK的iOS应用-位置错误

[英]First iOS App with MapBox SDK - Location is wrong

Just starting with Mapbox. 只是从Mapbox开始。 Signed up for an account. 注册一个帐户。 Created a new Access Token, and copied it. 创建一个新的访问令牌,并将其复制。

  1. Started a new XCode 9.2 project. 开始一个新的XCode 9.2项目。
  2. Closed the project 结束项目
  3. Opened Cocoapods app, browsed to this project and created the podfile 打开Cocoapods应用程序,浏览到该项目并创建podfile
  4. Entered pod 'Mapbox-iOS-SDK', '~> 3.7' 输入了'Mapbox-iOS-SDK', '~> 3.7'
  5. Installed the pod 安装吊舱
  6. Reopened from the Project.xcworkspace file 从Project.xcworkspace文件重新打开
  7. Dragged UIView onto storyboard taking up whole screen with constraints, reset it's class to MGLMapView 拖延UIView到情节MGLMapView上,占据了整个屏幕的约束,将其类重置为MGLMapView
  8. Added the MGLMapboxAccessToken to Info.plist with my Access Token as String value MGLMapboxAccessToken添加到Info.plist中,并将我的访问令牌作为字符串值
  9. On ViewController, I have the following code: 在ViewController上,我有以下代码:

     import UIKit import Mapbox class ViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet weak var viewMapBox: MGLMapView! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Eiffel Tower - just testing... viewMapBox.setCenter(CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 48.858093, longitude: 2.294694), zoomLevel: 9, animated: true) } } 

Then run the app on the iPhone 8 Plus simulator. 然后在iPhone 8 Plus模拟器上运行该应用程序。 When the app is viewable, it is centred on the Ghana / Togo border in Africa! 当该应用可见时,它位于非洲加纳/多哥边界的中心!

I have the following in the console: 我在控制台中有以下内容:

2018-01-25 09:43:24.320396+0000 MapBox1[35433:8131719] [INFO] {}[Database]: recovered 19 frames from WAL file /Users/user/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/6885A008-D320-4905-9C6E-60BF0AD4FD10/data/Containers/Data/Application/E2D43F85-2D44-4ABC-9147-B3C85256BD96/Library/Caches/com.domain.MapBox1/Cache.db-wal (Code 283) 2018-01-25 09:43:24.898002+0000 MapBox1[35433:8131726] Task .<1> finished with error - code: -999 2018-01-25 09:43:24.910760+0000 MapBox1[35433:8131715] Task .<1> HTTP load failed (error code: -999 [1:89]) 2018-01-25 09:43:24.320396 + 0000 MapBox1 [35433:8131719] [INFO] {} [数据库]:从WAL文件/ Users / user / Library / Developer / CoreSimulator / Devices / 6885A008-D320-中恢复了19帧4905-9C6E-60BF0AD4FD10 /数据/容器/数据/应用程序/E2D43F85-2D44-4ABC-9147-B3C85256BD96/Library/Caches/com.domain.MapBox1/Cache.db-wal(Code 283)2018-01-25 09: 43:24.898002 + 0000 MapBox1 [35433:8131726]任务。<1>完成,出错-代码:-999 2018-01-25 09:43:24.910760 + 0000 MapBox1 [35433:8131715]任务。<1> HTTP加载失败(错误代码:-999 [1:89])

So this is the first actual steps to getting Mapbox to work. 因此,这是使Mapbox正常工作的第一步。 I cannot even follow any of the tutorials if this doesn't work. 如果这不起作用,我什至不能遵循任何教程。

Can anyone assist please? 有人可以帮忙吗? Thanks 谢谢

I was able to get it to work as expected by changing animated: true to animated: false . 通过将animated: true更改为animated: false ,可以使其按预期工作。 If you would like to animate the transition, you can either call set the center coordinate in a later delegate method (such as mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap: ), or use an animation to change the map's camera . 如果您想为过渡设置动画,则可以在以后的委托方法(例如mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap:调用设置中心坐标,或使用动画来更改地图的相机

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