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Windows App认证工具包错误(HighVersionLie故障)

[英]Error with Windows App Certification Kit (HighVersionLie failure)

I'm experimenting the following error when I run the Windows App Certification Kit on a brain new C# Universal App: "Task failed to enable HighVersionLie". 当我在全新的C#通用应用程序上运行Windows应用程序认证工具包时,我正在尝试以下错误:“任务无法启用HighVersionLie”。

  • Windows 10 1709 (Build 16299.125) Windows 10 1709(内部版本16299.125)
  • Visual Studio Pro 2017 (15.5.4) Visual Studio专业版2017(15.5.4)
  • New project C# Universal App (no additional code added to the project) 新项目C#Universal App(未向项目添加其他代码)
  • Min SDK version: Windows 10 (10.0; Build 10240) 最低SDK版本:Windows 10(10.0;内部版本10240)
  • Target SDK version: Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (10.0; Build 16299) 目标SDK版本:Windows 10 Fall Creators Update(10.0; Build 16299)
  • Windows App Certification Kit: 10.0.16299.15 Windows App认证套件:10.0.16299.15

If I generate the appxbundle, the certification kit fails with error "Task failed to enable HighVersionLie". 如果生成了appxbundle,则认证工具包将失败,并显示错误“任务未能启用HighVersionLie”。

If I copy this appxbundle on another Windows 10 instance with the same certification kit and pass the test again, there is no error (the HighVersionLie passed successfully) 如果我使用相同的认证套件在另一个Windows 10实例上复制此appxbundle并再次通过测试,则没有错误(HighVersionLie成功通过)

The "HighVersionLie" test checks to see if your app will crash if it is told that it is running on a new, higher version of Windows (a version which has not been released yet). “ HighVersionLie”测试将检查您的应用程序是否被告知是否在新的更高版本的Windows(尚未发布的版本)上运行而崩溃。

I'm guessing that the machine you are seeing the problem on has a problem running this test, and it is not the app's problem. 我猜您遇到问题的计算机在运行此测试时出现问题,而不是应用程序的问题。

If you run Visual Studio as Administrator , and then run the tests, do you still see the problem? 如果您以Administrator身份运行Visual Studio,然后运行测试,您是否仍然看到问题?

You might also check for a corrupt installation by running sfc /scannow from a command prompt, or reinstalling Visual Studio 您也可以通过从命令提示符运行sfc / scannow重新安装Visual Studio来检查安装是否损坏。

Finally, you might try running Event Viewer , and checking the "Application" log to see if there are any Errors around the time you ran your certification test. 最后,您可以尝试运行Event Viewer ,并检查“应用程序”日志以查看在运行认证测试时是否存在任何错误。 If you see an error here, Google the description to find out what's wrong. 如果您在此处看到错误,请在Google描述中找出问题所在。

If you still think it is a problem with the app, you might check out my HighVersionLie answer here. 如果您仍然认为应用程序有问题,则可以在此处查看我的HighVersionLie答案。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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