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[英]Display Ember.Object on the screen in Ember.js

I'm green in Ember. 我在Ember绿了。 I've followed the quickstart and I run those commands: 我遵循了快速入门,并运行了以下命令:

ember new ember-quickstart
ember g route index

I've created a basic Ember application with an index route. 我用索引路由创建了一个基本的Ember应用程序。 I've wanted to use this route to display the date on the screen. 我想使用此路线在屏幕上显示日期。 So I've created some EmberObjects in it. 因此,我在其中创建了一些EmberObjects。

app/routes/index.js 应用程序/路由/ index.js

import Object from '@ember/object';
import Route from '@ember/routing/route';

function getCompaniesJSON() {
  return [
      "title": "Danone",
      "upvotes": 92,
      "downvotes": 62
      "title": "Bakoma",
      "upvotes": 58,
      "downvotes": 68
      "title": "Zott",
      "upvotes": 62,
      "downvotes": 54
      "title": "Jana",
      "upvotes": 72,
      "downvotes": 56

function totalVotes(company) {
  return company.get('upvotes') + company.get('downvotes');

var Company = Object.extend({
  score: function() {
    return (this.get('upvotes') * 100 / totalVotes(this)).toFixed(2);

var AppModel = Object.extend({
  topCompanies: function() {
    return this.get('companies').sort(function(a,b) {
      return totalVotes(b) - totalVotes(a);
    }).slice(0, 3);
  }.property('companies.@each.upvotes', 'companies.@each.downvotes')

var appModel = AppModel.create({
  companies: getCompaniesJSON().map(function(json) {
    return Company.create(json);

export default Route.extend({
  topCompanies: appModel.topCompanies

app/templates/index.hbs 应用程序/模板/ index.hbs

{{#each topCompanies}}
  <li>{{title}} {{score}}%</li>

Above code is displaying nothing. 上面的代码什么都不显示。 No errors in the console. 控制台中没有错误。 I'd like to display topCompanies on the screen, but I've no idea how to pass this variable correctly. 我想在屏幕上显示topCompanies,但我不知道如何正确传递此变量。 Is a Route a correct place to do it? 路线是正确的地方吗? Or I should use Component/Controller? 还是我应该使用组件/控制器?

The template is bound to the controller , not the route . 该模板绑定到controller ,而不是route Your route however should return the model from the model hook. 但是,您的route应从model挂钩中返回model

So you could do something like this: 因此,您可以执行以下操作:

export default Route.extend({
  model() {
    return appModel.topCompanies

But then your model its called model on your controller and template, not topCompanies . 但是随后您的模型在控制器和模板上而不是topCompanies上被称为model to fix this add this to your controller ( ember g controller index ): 要解决此问题,请将其添加到您的控制器( ember g controller index ):


you can import computed with import {computed} from '@ember/object'; 可以导入computedimport {computed} from '@ember/object'; .

Next you will have the problem that score is not shown. 接下来,您将遇到未显示score的问题。 Thats because you declared it as function, not as computed property. 那是因为您将其声明为函数,而不是计算属性。 So you should change it to this: 因此,您应该将其更改为:

score: computed('upvotes', 'downvotes', function() {
  return (this.get('upvotes') * 100 / totalVotes(this)).toFixed(2);

You also could do this which is identical, however I strongly recommend against it because its old syntax: 您也可以执行相同的操作,但是强烈建议您不要这样做,因为它的语法旧:

score: function() {
  return (this.get('upvotes') * 100 / totalVotes(this)).toFixed(2);
}.property('upvotes', 'downvotes'),

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