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Twitter 搜索 API:result_type 详细信息?

[英]Twitter Search API: result_type details?

The Twitter Search API documentation for the attribute result_type specifies three different options: mixed, recent, popular.属性result_type的 Twitter 搜索 API 文档指定了三个不同的选项:混合、最近、流行。

The documentation is vague about the differences between recent and popular.该文档对最近和流行之间的差异含糊不清。 Does anyone know how the API uses these attributes?有谁知道 API 如何使用这些属性? For example, does recent only query the last X hours?例如, recent只查询最近 X 小时? Does popular have a threshold for retweet count? popular有转发次数的门槛吗?

Documentantion: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/search/api-reference/get-search-tweets文档: https : //developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/search/api-reference/get-search-tweets

Popular only returns tweets if they meet a certain threshold, it might be based on favorites or another special algorithm.流行只返回满足特定阈值的推文,它可能基于收藏夹或其他特殊算法。 If a query does not yield any tweet that's not classified as "popular", it won't return any tweets.如果查询未产生任何未归类为“流行”的推文,则不会返回任何推文。

I think recent is the default result_type if none is specified.如果没有指定,我认为最近是默认的 result_type 。

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