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[英]bootstrap 4, react: how to change the title of a tooltip?

If the user selects a different language in my electron/react/bootstrap 4 app, I want to change the text (title) of a bootstrap tooltip on a button. 如果用户在我的electron / react / bootstrap 4应用程序中选择了其他语言,我想更改按钮上的引导工具提示的文本(标题)。 I've read the bootstrap 4 Tooltip doc and I can't figure out how to change the text of the bootstrap tooltip. 我已经阅读了bootstrap 4 Tooltip文档 ,但无法弄清楚如何更改bootstrap工具提示的文本。

The title property of my button gets changed, but that does not change the text of the bootstrap 4 tooltip. 我的按钮的title属性被更改,但这不会更改bootstrap 4工具提示的文本。 How can I change the text of the bootstrap 4 tooltip? 如何更改bootstrap 4工具提示的文本?


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