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JQuery Ajax POST 调用未正确发送参数

[英]JQuery Ajax POST call not sending parameters correctly

I'm trying to learn Ajax and have some problem with how to send the request from the client.我正在尝试学习 Ajax,但在如何从客户端发送请求方面遇到了一些问题。

I have a jsp at "/web" on my local server that handles requests (Not sure if this is best practise, or if it should be handled in a servlet, but it's just a mockup so I guess it's ok).我在本地服务器上的“/web”上有一个处理请求的 jsp(不确定这是否是最佳实践,或者是否应该在 servlet 中处理,但它只是一个模型,所以我想可以)。 The code for the jsp is like this: jsp的代码是这样的:

int i;
public void jspInit() {    
    i = 0;
        <title>My web page</title>
            String content = request.getParameter("content");
            System.out.println("Processed " + content); i++; %>
        <%= "Hello World " + i %> 
        You sent me the text: <%= content %>

and the function for sending the request on client side is:在客户端发送请求的功能是:

    sentData = {content: "Test data to send"};
            url: '/web',
            data: JSON.stringify(sentData),
            processData: false,
            contentType: "application/json; charset=UTF-8",
            success: function(data) {
            $("#form").html("Sent from client: " + sentData.content + "<br>" + "Recieved from server:<br>" + data);
        error: function(data) {
            $("#form").html("Could not send message.");

This however gives the output然而,这给出了输出

Sent from client: Test data to send
Received from server:
Hello World 2 
You sent me the text: null

on the client, and the System.out.println on the server only writes "Processed null" when the request is sent.在客户端上,服务器上的 System.out.println 仅在发送请求时写入“Processed null”。 I guess I am doing something wrong when sending the data through JQuery.我想我在通过 JQuery 发送数据时做错了什么。

Sending the data through the URL address "[mydomain]/web/?content=Test+data+to+send" gives the expected output通过 URL 地址“[mydomain]/web/?content=Test+data+to+send”发送数据给出了预期的输出

Hello World 2 
You sent me the text: Test data to send

as does sending a POST request through tools like Postman, so I imagine the server side is set up correctly.就像通过 Postman 之类的工具发送 POST 请求一样,所以我认为服务器端设置正确。 What am I doing wrong at the JQuery request?我在 JQuery 请求中做错了什么? I have also tried some more simple calls like this:我还尝试了一些更简单的调用,如下所示:

$("#send").click(function() {
    sentData = {content: "Test data to send"};
        url: '/web',
        data: sentData,
        dataType: 'html',
        success: function(data) {
            $("#form").html("Sent from client: " + sentData.content + "<br>" + "Recieved from server:<br>" + data);
        error: function(data) {
            $("#form").html("Could not send message.");

with the same result.结果相同。

Try to send object instead of string:尝试发送对象而不是字符串:

data: {content: "Test data to send"},
dataType: 'json'

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