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[英]Akka-http - write to response output stream

I need to create a large tab separated file as a response to HTTP GET request. 我需要创建一个大的选项卡分隔文件作为对HTTP GET请求的响应。 In my route a create some Scala objects and then I want to write some custom representation of those objects to the Output Stream. 在我的路线中,创建一些Scala对象,然后将这些对象的一些自定义表示形式写入输出流。

It is not just serialization to tab separated instead of JSON, because I need also to create a header with column names, so IMHO this can't be solved with custom marshaling. 这不仅仅是序列化到制表符分隔的格式,而不仅仅是JSON,因为我还需要创建带有列名的标头,所以恕我直言,这不能通过自定义封送处理解决。

So how can I get a writer or outputstream from HttpRequest? 那么如何从HttpRequest获取编写器或输出流?

Something like 就像是

 ~path("export") {
        get {
              val sampleExonRPKMs = exonRPKMService.getRPKMs(samples)
              val writer = HttpResponse().getWriter // this does not exists
              ... // write objects tab separated

You can complete an Akka HTTP route with a marshallable source. 您可以使用可编组的源代码完成Akka HTTP路由。 If you don't want to use custom marshallers, you can always complete with a Source[ByteString, _] . 如果您不想使用自定义编组器,则始终可以使用Source[ByteString, _] See the docs for more info. 有关更多信息,请参阅文档

Your route will look something like 您的路线看起来像

get {
  val sampleExonRPKMs = exonRPKMService.getRPKMs(samples)
  val headers: String = ???

Note as a separate issue: if you are dealing with large amounts of data, the getRPKMs call will result in loading all of it in memory. 请注意,这是一个单独的问题:如果您要处理大量数据,则getRPKMs调用将导致将所有数据加载到内存中。

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